PhD Students

PhD Students

Dissertation Committee & Proposal

Dissertation Committee

The general regulations about the dissertation committee at Constructor university are as follows:

  • Prior to the presentation of the PhD proposal, the dissertation committee must consist of at least the chair of the dissertation committee and one further regular member.

The dissertation committee form can be found here.

PhD Proposal

  • must be in English
  • must include a cover page, an abstract, a description of the major questions pursued, a time frame for completing the work, a comprehensive bibliography of relevant primary and secondary research materials and databases, and a review of relevant, current work in the area.
  • should not be longer than 30 pages.
  • must be submitted at least 10 working days before the anticipated date of the PhD proposal presentation via this online form

The general regulations about the PhD proposal presentation at Constructor university are as follows:

  • The dissertation committee form must have been submitted to the registrar services before the proposal is submitted via the online form
  • The proposal must be presented in public upon invitation by the Dean.
  • The proposal must be presented at most nine months after enrollment into the PhD program.
  • The PhD advisor must be physically present to evaluate the proposal.
  • At least one further member of the approved dissertation committee must be physically present to evaluate the proposal.

If the PhD proposal is not presented within nine months after enrollment into the PhD program, the student may get a prolongation of three months (deferral of proposal presentation form). If not or if the PhD Proposal is not presented within the prolongation period, the Student may be removed from the register of students without degree.

The PhD proposal evaluation form must be submitted by the PhD Advisor (with a short review attached) not later than 14 days after the PhD Proposal Presentation. The evaluation form is sent out with the proposal, but can also be downloaded here.

The complete regulations can be found in the graduate policies and the appendix C.

Thesis Submission & Defense

Dissertation Committee

Before officially submitting the PhD thesis for evaluation, you must have finalized the dissertation committee. Following general rules apply:

  • if any of the original members has resigned or has been removed, they must confirm in writing (email will suffice) to the registrar services that they have resigned or agree with being removed
  • if any new members have been added, these need to sign the dissertation committee form
  • the final dissertation committee must fulfill the following criteria:
    • at least two Constructor university faculty members (at most one adjunct professor)
    • at least one external member
    • each committee member must either be present at the defense and/or write a review

Submission of the PhD Thesis

The PhD Thesis is submitted at the end of the third year of enrollment. However, an extension of studies is possible upon approval by the Dean. The application form for extension of graduate studies can be downloaded here.

The general regulations about the PhD thesis at Constructor university are as follows:

Formatting of the PhD thesis is discussed and approved by the Chair. 

For the review of the thesis spiral-binding is sufficient; For the publication only non-spiral binding is accepted.

 PhD thesis submission regulations at Constructor University: 

  • All the above regulations must be fulfilled

Please inform the registrar services electronically via when you are planning on submitting the hard copies as well as to which physical address the hard copies should be sent to - this applies to internal reviewers (research building and room number or postal address) as well as to external reviewers. In addition, please include the email addresses of your external reviewers.

  • The following number of copies are submitted to the Registrar Services at Reimar-Lüst-Hall 118 (Only on appointment!)
    • one hard copy per member of the dissertation committee
    • one hard copy for registrar services
    • one hard copy for the dean’s office
    • one hard copy for display in the information resource center
  • Please submit a signed statement on contribution that includes a percentage and a short description of your contribution to each chapter of the thesis if your PhD thesis contains papers/manuscripts that others have contributed to as co-authors. (One separate sheet per thesis copy)


  • After the submission of the hard copies, the PhD student must also upload an electronic version of the Thesis to a plagiarism check platform. Please wait for our instructions that will be clarified during the submission appointment.

The PhD thesis evaluations must be submitted at least 6 working days before the PhD thesis defense. (At least 3 reviews required: Chair, 1 internal and 1 external member)

PhD Thesis Defense

The date is organized by the chair of the dissertation committee. The general regulations about scheduling the PhD thesis defense at Constructor University are as follows:

  • reviewers have 8 weeks to evaluate the thesis
  • if you would like to schedule the defense before the eight weeks deadline, you must:
    • submit the dissertation at least 13 working days before the anticipated date of defense
    • have your reviewers agree to send the signed, hard copy of their review six working days before the anticipated date of defense
  • the defense must be scheduled by the student via this form at least 10 working days prior to the date of the defense

The general regulations about the PhD thesis defense at Constructor University are as follows:

  • The PhD thesis is defended to the university public upon invitation by the dean
  • At least three regular members of the dissertation committee (chair, one internal and one external member) have to be physically present
  • The defense includes a presentation by the candidate, a discussion of the research, and questions on the discipline in which the degree is to be granted
  • Expected to take place on campus (Hybrid format is possible in exceptional cases. The chair or the student has to write a formal request (via email) to the dean).


Publication & Graduation


The PhD degree is conferred only upon publication of the PhD thesis. The Thesis must be published within one year after the defense. All regulations regarding the publication are dealt with by the IRC. For detailed information about the publication procedure, please see the IRC's guide for publishing a dissertation and the IRC's tips on how to format a PhD thesis for publication.

Relevant forms:


Graduation Ceremony

Only PhD Students who submit and defend their dissertation at least 3 days before the graduation date may participate at the Graduation ceremony as a walkthrough. If you would like to receive your diploma during the Graduation ceremony, you have to submit the confirmation that your PhD thesis has been published at least 3 working days before the graduation date.