Ways to support us
Ways to support usWould you like to play a role in supporting research, education and students at Constructor University? Then help us by making a general donation, a project-specific donation or a sponsorship contribution – the choice is yours. The door is also open to develop your own project. We can work together to find a topic that is close to your heart. This is a great way of providing individual support to new talent in the workforce and supporting top-notch research.
You can read about some of the support projects we currently have in place here.
There are a lot of different ways that you can support Constructor University. We appreciate every single financial contribution.
This kind of support gives Constructor University greater flexibility and enables us to make important changes more quickly. The university’s directors put the donations to use exactly where additional resources are needed.

Sponsor or support a professorship or a research and learning center. Your support can help to advance education and research in a subject area that is close to your heart.
Support research at Constructor University
Support options:
Professorship endowment € 75.000 - 200.000 annually
Doctoral candidate endowment € 30.000 - 60.000 annually
You can make a contribution to the university's future development, support Master's degree programs or fund proposed programs and projects. Support the subjects of tomorrow today.
Whether for talented international students, women in STEM or students with particular needs, a donation to the scholarship fund is a sign of trust in the power of the next generation. Every scholarship recipient receives the support they need.
More information
Help us expand the university by contributing to the construction of sports facilities, the provision of equipment for our buildings, laboratories, and outdoor facilities. Or help to build more housing by financing a college.
Examples of how you can help:
- Sponsor a room starting from € 5,000. We will display a plaque with your name, which will help to create visibility for you or your company.
Our students are also active outside of the lecture halls and enhance campus life. Constructor University has a host of student groups that make the university a fantastic place to be, enriching it socially and culturally, affecting university policy for the better, and so much more.
You can support student initiatives such as the Constructor Startup Competition or one of the many music, theater or sports clubs.
Examples of how you can help:
- The campus sports teams are always in need of new equipment ranging from € 100 to € 1,000.
- Our choir, J-Cappella, would be delighted to receive € 5,000 to cover travel expenses to major competitions.
- The Women’s International Leadership Conference (WIL) aims to fight the mis - and under-representation of women in leadership positions as well as tackle issues of intersectional feminism. The Women’s International Leadership Conference (WIL) is a student-led initiative organized by young people from diverse academic and cultural backgrounds.
Have your brand out there for all to see. Make your company’s name known by providing equipment for our sports teams or supporting our colleges and facilities. We would be happy to talk to you about all the different sponsorship options.

If you have your own ideas about a certain subject or project you would like to support at Constructor University, please contact us. We are happy to advise and will let you know how you can support research, education and students.