Constructing the Future Together
Constructing the Future Together
Providing the gift of financial assistance to current and future students allows alumni, family, and friends of the university to enhance the student experience at Constructor University. From providing scholarships to supporting student activities and more, you can impact the next generation of leaders and innovators. No matter the amount you give, your pledge will make a difference.

One visit to Constructor University and one quickly finds that it is a unique place. Very few other educational institutions offer the diversity that makes Constructor special.
An annual gift helps to support the university’s mission of providing educational opportunities to students from across the globe.
Donations can be made to one of our two alumni groups, the Beyond the Pond Alumni Association or the Constructor University Foundation of America.
In addition to scholarships, both the AA and CUFA have supported various student clubs, activities, and initiatives on campus.
Your money goes directly to support the students. As the AA and CUFA are both independent of the university, your donations are directly overseen by the respective alumni boards. We are happy to highlight some of the students and alumni who have benefited from this financial support.
The university appreciates the financial contributions that alumni and friends make. Donors at the following levels put a priority on supporting the alumni groups and are recognized for their giving:
Level | Contribution Range | Sponsorship Benefits |
Member | €100 - €499 | - |
Supporter | €500 - €999 | - |
Constructor | €1,000 - €1,500 | - |
Hero | €1,500 - €2,499 | Lecture Hall seat sponsorship |
Partner | €2,500 - €4,999 | Bookcase or table in the IRC sponsorship |
Benefactor | €5,000 - €9,999 | Tree or bench on campus sponsorship |
Dean’s List | €10,000 - €49,999 | College common room sponsorship |
President’s Circle | €50,000 - €99,999 | Lab sponsorship (10 years) |
Chairman’s Circle | €100,000 - €999,999 | Lecture Hall sponsorship (10 years) |
Pioneer | €1,000,000 or more | Campus building sponsorship (10 years) |
*starting at the Constructor level, donors will receive a brick on the Alumni Path
*starting at the President’s Circle, donors will receive a silver brick
Is there a special project that you have in mind, or would you like to support the university in other ways?
Get in touch with the Alumni Office to discuss how we can collaborate.