FAQ - Incoming Students
FAQ - Incoming StudentsAs an incoming student, you are free to choose any courses from across majors for which you are academically qualified. With Constructor University Study Abroad Program you can compose your individual study plan that would include courses from your major, from fields of your interest, language courses and unique courses we offer only for study abroad students.
Together with all the other incoming students, you have a chance to participate in many exciting study trips for example to Berlin, Brussels, Geneva, Helgoland, St. Petersburg, etc. All of them are part of special course offers designed specifically for study abroad students on German Politics and Culture, European Healthcare and Welfare, Bremen Art.
Yes. As part of our host family program, you can get the unique opportunity to get assigned to a German host family, who enables you to authentically experience German everyday life. If you would like to stay in touch with them even after your semester(s) at Constructor University, you will have lifelong friendships based in Germany.
As an incoming student you do not have to worry about finding a suitable apartment because we have single-rooms with board reserved for you, so you can just comfortably move in the day you arrive.
Read up what other exchange students have to say about their time at Constructor University here.
You can study abroad at Constructor University as long as you meet our admission criteria – that is, having a minimum B2 English language proficiency level and a GPA of at least 3.0. It is worth noting, however, that if your university is not a Constructor University partner your tuition will not be waived.
You are welcome to check the previous year’s course catalogue and choose courses based on the available selection. A lot of the last year’s courses of that semester will be offered again, however they are not guaranteed. For more inquiries, contact international@constructor.university.
The fall semester course catalogue usually gets published on March 31st. The course catalogue for the spring semester is published on September 30th.
Please compose the list of courses for which you require the syllabus or generally more information and e-mail it to international@constructor.university.
For information on visa requirements, check page six of the Incoming Students Handbook (https://www.jacobs-university.de/files/study-abroad-handbook-v2pdf).
If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact our visa coordinator at visa@constructor.university.
Just write “not applicable” in the fields which are not relevant / do not apply to you.
Enter the amount of financial support that you receive from your home institution into the section Scholarships or Fellowships: From Another Source. Enter the name of your home institution in the sponsors section.
With your mealplan money you can eat in the serveries of any college on campus. They have a wide variety of food offers. For each meal there will be one or two main dishes with meat (often also halal ones) and one vegetarian main dish. You can also find a salad bar in every servery or take side dishes, which also mostly consist of vegetables and pasta. However there are limited capacities for some individualized dietary needs, for example kosher or vegan meals.
Unfortunately there are no health service centers on campus. However, with your European health insurance card you can freely choose any doctor, dentist or therapist. This website will help you find any medical assistance you need.
If you received special academic accommodations from your home university, please ask your International Office to inform us about it or reach out personally to us. We cannot guarantee an equal coverage but we will try to provide as much support, as close to your original setting as possible.
If the visa covers the entirety of your stay in Germany, you do not need to apply for a residence permit once you are in Germany. However, if your visa does not cover your entire study period, you have to prepare a residence permit application and pay the corresponding fee (ca. 100 euros).
The Constructor University community is asked to behave in accordance with its community code, which can be found here: https://constructor.university/student-life/student-services/university-policies/constructor-university-community-standard. Especially intercultural respect and a sense of community are the values that shape the university. Please take into account that once abroad you will have to adhere to both the values and disciplinary framework of your home university as well as Constructor University.