College Nordmetall
College NordmetallCollege Nordmetall, named after a regional employer association, is the largest and newest college on campus and opened in the year 2010. It is the perfect definition of a “home away from home” with its warm, inclusive, and welcoming community. It is located in close proximity to classrooms, Student Activity Center, the library, train station, and the coffee and campus student bar and lounge. Nordmetall features a beautiful picturesque green garden in the central courtyard with a stone fountain.
Most students live in a double apartment, with their own furnished bedroom and shared bathroom. College Nordmetall also has single apartments with private bathroom facilities. Due to the large and unique layout, Nord has a large laundry room, servery, and common spaces for relaxing, socializing, studying and meeting. For instance, it is the only college with a multi-functional Dance Room, where the Martial Arts and Hip-Hop Club meet, among other events and activities.

We strike the perfect balance for the laid-back, relaxed, exuberant, and outgoing student and as such provide a range of organized events and parties to meet these needs, some of which include Nordmetall’s Christmas Market; Nerd Party; and finals season specials such as the Nils study program “How to ace your exams 101” and our much sought-after Gaming and Art nights. We also have a tradition as a sociable college and make our presence felt by participating in all college and campus events. We have earned the reputation as a “best of both worlds college” as Nordies play hard and study harder!

Just like our mascot indicates, Nordmetall is the home of the Polar bears, a community fueled with college spirit and a sense of family, change-makers who believe in making the world a better place and providing help and support for others around them! Fun fact: We adopted a polar bear in 2020!
➜ 95 single rooms
➜ Polar bear as a mascot
➜ Built in 2010
➜ Accommodates 262 students
➜ Biggest kitchens
➜ College Colors are Yellow and Purple

Sherry-Ann Debydeen became College Nordmetall’s Resident Mentor in October 2020. Originally from the Caribbean Island Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, she moved to Germany in 2018 in furtherance of Academic development (M.A in Analysis and Design of Social Protection Systems) and to experience Global intercultural exchange. She comes with more than 25 years of experience as a Social Worker and Guidance Officer and has also served in a Supervisory Capacity. Sherry-Ann is very passionate about the role and responsibility she has in facilitating Nordies in their transition to Global citizens/Leaders.
Nordmetall College is only a microcosm of the larger Multicultural community/environment existing here at Constructor University, where students live, learn and have fun. Together with her hardworking support team and the input from students in Residence, her goal is to continue the tradition to make Nordmetall a home for everyone who lives there, through comfortable living spaces and Residential Living with safe and healthy interactions, appropriate resources and creative events/extra-curricular activities and resources.
Nordmetall host the annual Nerd Party on campus and puts their own spin on the German Christmas Market, right in the servery for the Constructor community. The college team plans exam cheer-ups that also cater to the quieter, nerdy-side of students with video game tournaments, face-mask and relaxation parties, painting, and more.