Digital Transformation – Industry 4.0
Digital Transformation – Industry 4.0Find latest insights about chances and challenges of digital transformation:
- Get an overview on challenges and issues in emerging technologies
- Find out how to exploit knowledge and technology transfer in your business
- Learn from first-hand information in research and teaching, combined with scientific insights
- Based on renowned case studies, current business cases, concepts and strategies for companies

Key Technologies/ General R&D strategies
Use Case AI – Smart Factory
Actual tools, techniques and trends
Opportunities & Challenges by Industry 4.0
Use Cases AI – Machine Learning in supply networks
Knowledge transfer for companies

Please contact us for further information
or if you wish to receive your white paper sent directly to you via
e-mail: business@constructor.university
Phone: +49 421 200 4410

Constructor University has been ranked in some of the most important national and global university rankings - and consistently achieves top results.
According to Times Higher Education (THE) Young University Rankings 2021 we are 27th in a worldwide comparison of 475 young universities under the age of 50. Constructor University ranks 2nd place amongst German universities and scores 1st place in the categories of "teaching and internationality".

Discovering, Analyzing and Visualizing:
Take full advantage of your corporate database with Big Data Analytics to increase your productivity, lower costs and improve quality of your process flow.
Constructor University Business Solutions is transforming knowledge into a service. Join the network of an English-speaking, private campus university in Germany – with highest standards in research and teaching, following an interdisciplinary concept and a global perspective.
Start your Executive Education or Research & Development journey at Constructor University.
Inspiration is a place.

Customized Executive Education programs for those in charge of determining the future of their companies and businesses

Benefit from resources and expertise in a wide array of relevant fields with Research & Transfer opportunities for companies