Alumni of Constructor University award scholarships to gifted students
In the end, it’s all about offering others a chance at the same thing they had: a top-tier education at an award-winning, international university. This year, four particularly gifted, ambitious, and socially committed international students have been awarded scholarships by Constructor University alumni.
“This scholarship means a lot to me. Not only will it help with tuition, but also provides additional motivation for me to work harder, aim higher, and make the most of every opportunity to build a better future for myself and others,” said Nikoloz Dvali. From Georgia, Dvali studies “Industrial Engineering & Management” and is a scholarship holder from the Beyond the Pond Alumni Association alongside Darina Madeyeva.

Hailing from Kazakhstan, Madeyeva is an Integrated Social and Cognitive Psychology major. “Constructor University initially caught my attention with its holistic program, which will allow me to gain all the needed competencies in just three years. Furthermore, it also gives me the opportunity to explore the world with a study abroad program and refine my professional skills through a mandatory internship,” explained Madeyeva about her choice.
The funding not only consists of financial support amounting to EUR 3000 per year over a period of three years, but also includes a mentoring program. Scholarship holders are each supported by an alum as a mentor over the duration of their studies; scholarships are funded through donations from alumni and friends to the Association.
While Alumni Association scholarships go to first-year students, the Constructor University Foundation of America sponsors two scholarships for higher-semester students, worth EUR 5000 per year. The Ronny Wells Scholarship, named after a Constructor University founder, honors a student who has proven to be particularly innovative and entrepreneurial. “The Scholarship holds immense significance to me as it not only supports my academic journey but also motivates me to pursue excellence in my studies and career,” said Malak Essarhir from Morocco, a student of Management, Decision, and Data Analytics, who will graduate in 2026. “It represents an acknowledgment of my potential and serves as a reminder of the responsibility I have to contribute positively to my community and beyond.”

The Claus Halle Scholarship honors an American student who has demonstrated their ability to work in teams and apply their skills in collaboration with others. This year's recipient is Aarushi Jaymik Vyas, who is majoring in Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology. “This scholarship has opened so many doors for me,” she emphasized. “It will help me attain the ambitious goals that will let me give back to society and make my family proud.”