Vaibhav Mehta
Vaibhav MehtaMSc Computer Science 2014
Nationality: Indian
Job Position: Senior Software Engineer - Localization and Mapping

What did you like most about studying your chosen program?
I loved that for MSc in CS the student to faculty ratio was pretty good. Also, apart from the grad level lectures,
the seminars and research experience I was able to get in just a couple of semesters was quite invaluable.
The spread of thesis proposal and actual thesis across two semesters was great too.
What were the most valuable skills you believe you acquired/ took away from the
I think time management and juggling multiple priorities at once has helped me ever since. Also, the
research experience I acquired with the various groups in CS department laid a great foundation for and
guided me to pursue my career in robotics and computer vision.
What were your favourite learning experiences while studying your program?
There are many to enumerate all here but the campus activities to learn about and from folks all across the
world was great. The program also provided many opportunities to dive deep into some research topics
and participating in events like Robocup would be the top things on my list.