Tasia Wagner
Tasia Wagner
What aspects of the University captured your interest and motivated you to study there?
The university's reputation for academic excellence was the biggest driver for me. I had just received my Bachelor's in the United States and wanted to get a top-tier education without leaving Germany.
Which elements of your studies brought you the most joy and fulfillment in your learning journey?
Several aspects of my studies profoundly enriched my learning journey. The professors' interdisciplinary perspectives, combined with my cohort members' diverse experiences, transformed my understanding of the world. Our vibrant discussions, both inside and outside the classroom, challenged my assumptions and opened my mind to new ways of thinking.
What is your career highlight thus far, and what are you most proud of as a young professional?
My most transformational career moment emerged from the global crisis of Spring 2020. After nearly a decade in the think tank sector focusing on international peace and security, I joined a small group of academics to build a database tracking governmental COVID-19 policies. What began with 35 researchers rapidly expanded to over 500 global contributors working remotely across multiple time zones. We needed to create not just structure and processes, but a culture of belonging that would support this unprecedented collaboration.I led the development of management frameworks that aligned with our organizational values, emphasizing equity and inclusion while empowering leaders to support their global teams effectively. This experience revealed my unexpected yet natural transition into People & Culture leadership—traditionally known as HR—where I discovered my true professional passion. What started as crisis management evolved into my most significant professional achievement: building and scaling a human-centered organizational culture that enabled hundreds of researchers to collaborate seamlessly across borders during a global pandemic.
What advice would you give to current students at Constructor University?
Growth comes from discomfort - so lean into it.
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Don't let anyone else's path determine your own. The world needs you. The most authentic, vulnerable, and courageous you. Forge your own