Prof. Jan Lorenz
I am a computational social scientist working on modeling, analyzing, and designing socio-economic systems. As a basis for this, I often engage in social data science, doing unconventional data analysis for interesting phenomena.
From my background in mathematics, I consider myself an applied mathematician but through extensive postgraduate study and research I became a computational so,cial scientist.
Research Topics: social cohesion, processes of opinion formation, polarization, processes of segregation, processes of collective decision making, aggregation of the wisdom of crowds, rating systems, voting systems, consensus algorithms, cascades on networks, systemic risk
Tools: agent-based modeling and simulation, large-scale data analysis, experiments, mathematical and statistical analysis
Mathematical fields: nonnegative matrices, inhomogeneous Markov chains, repeated application of means, positive dynamical systems, multiplicative and additive stochastic processes
General scientific interests: game theory, mathematics and politics, social choice, socio- and econophysics, complex systems, networks
I earned a Diploma in Mathematics in 2003 from the University of Bremen and a doctoral degree Dr. rer. nat. in Mathematics in 2007 also from the University of Bremen. These were my diploma and doctoral thesis on opinion dynamics.
In 2017, I habiliated in Computational Social Science at Jacobs University Bremen (now this place) with this umbrella booklet.
I keep my ORCID profile public and up to date:
Find there my
- academic employments at ETH Zurich, Carl-von-Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Jacobs University, GESIS Cologne, and University Bremen
- the funded research projects where I am involved in
Find my publications on my Google Scholar profile
Until 2018 I updated a CV including lists of conferences and invited talks including links to slides, prices I have won, and response in the media.
I teach in the Master's program "Data Science for Society and Business" about Data Science Concepts and Visual Communication and Data Story Telling. I also teach Introduction to Computational Social Science.
I once taught a course on Mathematics and Politics.
I am a faculty member at the Bremen International Graduate School for Social Sciences (BIGSSS) where I offer demand-tailored courses on agent-based modeling, mathematics for social scientists, doing data-driven research with the help of tools around R.
I organized 5 Summer Schools and Research Incubators, 4 Schools on Computational Social Science of Conflicts (2018), Migration (2019), Social Cohesion (2022), and the Democratic Debate (2023) and 1 on Wealth Data Science.