Many university students in Germany have side jobs while studying. International students are allowed to work for 120 full days or 240 half days per year. To make it simpler, students in Germany are allowed to work earning a salary of up to 400 Euros per month tax-free. This means you can work 40 hours per month, and sometimes during the breaks you can work more as long as it does not surpass the total of 120 full days or 240 half days in the year. Do bear in mind that if you earn more than 400 Euros per month you will have automatic tax deductions from your salary.
Is it hard to study full-time and have a part-time job at the same time? The answer changes completely from person to person – it is all about good time management. Many Jacobs students have jobs while they study, and still manage to keep their grades and have a social life. Jacobs students also have the advantage to choose from many different on-campus jobs. For example, as Student Assistants in administrative departments such as the Admissions Office, the International Office, Campus Life, etc. There are also other options in popular student locations such as the gym or the IRC/Library. Finally, once you get the hang of your studies you can also apply to work as a Teaching Assistant with your professors or as a Lab Assistant, for example. A number of Jacobs students also choose to find jobs off-campus which also have a wide range: research labs, restaurants, bars, retail and sales, language tutors, etc.
Besides from the financial benefits, having a student job can often be a rewarding experience. It is an opportunity to meet new people, get to know the city if you work off-campus, have different experiences, and perhaps also practice your German.
The experience of current student Cavan Yong (Malaysia) | Class of 2021 | BSC Chemistry:

Cavan Yong (Malaysia) | Class of 2021
“I got my first job off-campus at the start of my second semester in order to help supplement the cost of studying in university. At the time I had applied for jobs at several other places including a few campus jobs, a food delivery service, and a job-seeking agency. There are several options off-campus that don't require extensive German knowledge although I personally would not recommend completely avoiding having to speak it while at work. Working while studying is an immensely rewarding experience as you get to meet all kinds of people and it allows you to get a real good look of Bremen outside Jacobs. If you are planning to stay here after you graduate, it's definitely not a bad idea to get to know other people living in Bremen. Working and studying at the same time helped me grow in so many ways I never imagined it could. I saw myself grow in maturity so much more than when I didn't have a job. I am less shy and more sociable, I have become more diligent in fulfilling my responsibilities – be they academic or work related – and I am more independent in making decisions for myself. However, time management is extremely important if you intend to work while studying. There isn't a lot of space for down-time and you might feel that you don't have much time for a social life. But this is where the part of being an 'adult' kicks in where we need to make compromises between our personal responsibilities and 'fun'. I believe that a lot of the things we do on a daily basis are developed through habits. Once you get into the cycle of managing your time well, it will be hard to get out of it. I know it sounds tough, but I'm now at a place in my life where I can be proud of who I am and what I've been able to achieve, being so far from home. And I can say, for certain, that it was all worth it.”