
International Relations: Politics and History

International Relations: Politics and History
Bachelor of Arts - Undergraduate Program

The IRPH program is designed to address complex and pressing global issues today. The program takes a multidisciplinary approach, combining theories and methods from political science, history, law, and philosophy to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of international relations. The overarching goal of the program is to equip students with the knowledge and skills to analyze and tackle the historical origins and potential solutions to these global challenges.

The program has a proven track record of preparing students for success in further academic pursuits and the job market. Approximately 60% of IRPH graduates go on to attend prestigious graduate schools, including Oxford, Cambridge, LSE, Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Georgetown, and Sciences Po. The remaining 40% of graduates enter a variety of careers, including traditional international relations roles, public policy, development work, business, consulting, and more. The IRPH program has received high marks from the Centre for Higher Education (CHE), a further testament to the program's quality and effectiveness in preparing students for successful careers.

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International experience
Train your intercultural skills by studying with talents from more than 120 countries and excellent study abroad options.
Top rankings
Benefit from highest standards in teaching, interdisciplinary learning, early research involvement, and hands-on education.
Global career
Connect with Alumni to broaden your professional network & start your career with our individual career service support.
Key facts
Annual Fee:
Tuition: € 20,000
On-campus accommodation: € 4,000 September – May (shared room)
Application deadline:
July 31, 2025
Academic calendar:
Check-in days: August 26 –29, 2025
Classes begin: September 1, 2025
3 years full-time
Financing options:
Each admitted candidate will receive an individual financial package.
All students are considered for an academic achievement scholarship based on their school grade point average.
Ready for your future?
Study Program Chair
Professor of Political Science
Distinguished Lecturer in History
Adelfhe form the Philippines
Day in the Life of an International Relations: Politics and History student
4C Model

The undergraduate program at Constructor University is a three-year, 180-credit-point program designed to prepare students for a wide range of career paths.

The “4C Model” is the program's backbone, with disciplinary content grouped into three themes according to study years: CHOICE-CORE-CAREER. Additionally, the “CONSTRUCTOR Track”, an integral part of the program, runs parallel throughout the program. It provides students with multidisciplinary content and essential skills such as argumentation, data visualization, societal engagement, and communication.

The curriculum allows students to tailor their education to their goals and to explore different fields of study, with the flexibility to change their major within the first year. Moreover, the programs include a mandatory internship and a study-abroad opportunity in the fifth semester to provide students with hands-on experience and a global perspective.


4C Curriculum
Study program structure

The first study year is characterized by a university-specific offering of disciplinary education that builds on and expands upon the students’ entrance qualifications. Students select introductory modules for a total of 45 CP from the CHOICE area of a variety of study programs, of which 15-45 CP will belong to their intended major. A unique feature of our curriculum structure allows students to select their major freely upon entering Constructor University. The team of Academic Advising Services offers curriculum counseling to all Bachelor students independently of their major, while Academic Advisors, in their capacity as contact persons from the faculty, support students individually in deciding on their major study program.

The following CHOICE modules (15 CP) are mandatory for students who want to pursue IRPH as a major:

  • CHOICE Module: Introduction to International Relations (m, 7.5 CP)
  • CHOICE Module: Introduction to Modern European History (m, 7.5 CP)

In accordance with the program’s dual primary focus on politics and history, the two first-year modules in IRPH introduce students to international relations and history respectively. The “Introduction to International Relations” module covers the core theories of international relations and theories of cooperation and collective security, which students learn by reading texts of renowned scholars as well as by engaging in interactive exercises. The “Introduction to Modern European History” module examines the political, socio-economic, and cultural developments in Europe over the past two and a half centuries, by studying current scholarship and interpreting primary sources. Both modules provide methodological training to students, developing their argumentation and academic writing skills.

The remaining CHOICE modules (30 CP) can be selected in the first year of study according to interest and/or with the aim of allowing a change of major until the beginning of the second year, when the major choice becomes fixed. For details on major change options, please refer to the Handbook

In their second year, students take modules with a total of 45 CP from in-depth discipline-specific CORE modules. Building on the introductory CHOICE modules and applying the methods and skills students have already acquired , these modules extend students’ critical understanding of the key theories, principles, and methods in their major.

To pursue IRPH as a major, students take the following mandatory modules (15 CP):

  • CORE Module: International Political Economy (m, 5 CP)
  • CORE Module: Advanced International Relations Theory (m, 5 CP)
  • CORE Module: History of Globalization (m, 5 CP)

At least 15 CP from the following mandatory elective CORE modules need to be acquired:

  • CORE Module: Empires and Nation States (me, 5 CP)
  • CORE Module: Political Philosophy (me, 5 CP)
  • CORE Module: Foreign Policy, Diplomacy and Data Science (me, 5 CP)
  • CORE Module: Digital Transformations beyond the West (me, 5 CP)
  • CORE Module: Decision Science for Politics (me, 5 CP)
  • CORE Module: Cybersecurity Governance (me, 5 CP) 

The remaining 15 CP can be selected according to interest and/or with the aim of pursuing a minor in a second field of studies, or students complement their studies by taking all of the above listed mandatory-elective CORE modules.

In the “International Political Economy” module, students focus on the relationship between economics and international relations since the 1970s, with particular emphasis on the rise of China and East Asia.

The “Advanced International Relations Theory” module examines the past 60 years of theorizing about world politics and develops students’ debating skills.

The “History of Globalization” module explores the historical roots and emergence of globalization and studies the interconnectedness of social, economic, political, and cultural spheres, especially during the modern era.

The “Empires and Nation States” module introduces students to the historical events, ideas, and processes that have shaped modern politics and societies.

In the “Political Philosophy” module, students use philosophical tools such as conceptual analysis, formal and informal logic, and thought experiments to study the implications and tensions of our most important political ideas, especially as they interact with contemporary society.

In the “Foreign Policy, Diplomacy and Data Science” module, students are introduced to foreign policy concepts and acquire practical skills –including data science techniques – that diplomats, foreign policy and (international) civil servants employ in their professions.

In the “Digital Transformations beyond the West” module, participants focus on the ongoing digital transformations in Asia, and examine whether and how state actors as well as ‘Big Tech’ companies strive to gain influence over their own and other societies through dominance of information and production networks.

In “Decision Science for Politics”, students examine political decision-making from a variety of perspectives, including psychology, economics, and political science. Students will learn core theories as well as several key decision-making tools.

In “Cybersecurity Governance”, students consider which threats to cybersecurity have emerged, analyze the global governance efforts that have been made to tackle these threats, and reflect on how these efforts could be organized differently.

During their third year, students prepare for and make decisions about their career path after graduation. To explore available choices and to gain professional experience, students undertake a mandatory summer internship. The third year of studies allows IRPH students to take Specialization modules in their discipline, but also focuses on the responsibility of students beyond their discipline (see Constructor Track).

The fifth semester opens a mobility window for a diverse range of study abroad options. Finally, the sixth semester is dedicated to fostering the students’ research experience by involving them in an extended Bachelor thesis project.

At Constructor University, students are given a unique opportunity to boost their employability through a mandatory two-month internship worth 15 credits. This opportunity usually takes place during the summer between the second and third year of study, providing students with the chance to gain practical experience in a professional setting. Through this internship, students can apply the knowledge and understanding they have gained from their major to real-world contexts, evaluate the significance of their major in the employment sector and society, reflect on their role in employment and society, and make informed career decisions. For students interested in starting their own company, an alternative to the full-time internship is offered as a start-up option, which allows them to focus on developing their business plan.

The CONSTRUCTOR Track is another important feature of Constructor University’s educational model. The Constructor Track runs orthogonal to the disciplinary CHOICE, CORE, and CAREER modules across all study years and is an integral part of all undergraduate study programs. It provides an intellectual tool kit for lifelong learning and encourages the use of diverse methodologies to approach cross-disciplinary problems. The CONSTRUCTOR track contains Methods, New Skills and German Language and Humanities modules.

Methods and skills such as mathematics, statistics, programming, data handling, presentation skills, academic writing, and scientific and experimental skills are offered to all students as part of the Methods area in their curriculum. The modules that are specifically assigned to each study programs equip students with transferable academic skills. They convey and practice specific methods that are indispensable for each students’ chosen study program. Students are required to take 20 CP in the Methods area. The size of all Methods modules is 5 CP.

To pursue IRPH as a major, the following Methods modules (15 CP) need to be taken as mandatory modules:

  • Methods Module: Academic Writing and Academic Skills (m, 5 CP)
  • Methods Module: Qualitative Research Methods (m, 5 CP)
  • Methods Module: Data Collection and Empirical Research Methodologies (m, 5 CP)

Furthermore, IRPH students must choose either

  • Methods Module: Applied Statistics with R (me, 5 CP) or
  • Methods Module: Applied Statistics with SPSS (me, 5 CP)

New Skills Modules
This part of the curriculum constitutes an intellectual and conceptual tool kit that cultivates the capacity for a particular set of intellectual dispositions including curiosity, imagination, critical thought, and transferability. It nurtures a range of individual and societal capacities, such as self-reflection, argumentation and communication. Finally, it introduces students to the normative aspects of inquiry and research, including the norms governing sourcing, sharing, withholding materials and research results as well as others governing the responsibilities of expertise as well as the professional point of view. Students in this study program are required to take the following modules in their second and third year:

  • New Skills Module: Logic (m, 2.5 CP)
  • New Skills Module: Causation and Correlation (m, 2.5 CP)
  • New Skills Module: Argumentation, Data Visualization and Communication (m, 5 CP)

Furthermore, they must choose either

  • New Skills Module: Linear Model/Matrices (me, 5 CP) or
  • New Skills Module: Complex Problem Solving (me, 5 CP)

as well one of the following modules:

  • New Skills Module: Agency, Leadership and Accountability (me, 5 CP) or
  • New Skills Module: Community Impact Project (me, 5 CP).

German Language and Humanities Modules
German language abilities foster students’ intercultural awareness and enhance their employability in their host country. They are also beneficial for securing mandatory internships (between the 2nd and 3rd year) in German companies and academic institutions. Constructor University supports its students in acquiring basic as well as advanced German skills in the first year of the Constructor Track. Non-native speakers of German are encouraged to take 2 German modules (2.5 CP each), but are not obliged to do so. Native speakers and other students not taking advantage of this offering take alternative modules in Humanities in each of the first two semesters.

The curriculum of the study program is outlined in the schematic study plan:

RPH_Study Scheme_Fall 2024
Study Program Handbook Fall 2024 - International Relations: Politics and History
Study Program Handbook Fall 2023 - International Relations: Politics and History
Study Program Handbook Fall 2022 - International Relations: Politics and History
Study Program Handbook Fall 2021 - International Relations: Politics and History
Students and teacher
Career perspectives

The IRPH program provides students with the foundations for a variety of careers. By equipping them with an in-depth understanding of international relations and history, from both empirical and theoretical perspectives, they gain the knowledge and the analytical tools required for fields like politics and diplomacy, public policy and administration, communications and journalism.

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Students & alumni
Leonoor Cornelissen
I sought an international community that celebrated its diversity—and that’s exactly what I found.
Leonoor Cornelissen
Lisa Begusch
The university is an excellent way to constantly push yourself to go the extra mile and not give up at the first wind coming your way.
Lisa Begusch
School of Business, Social & Decision Sciences

This study program is part of the School of Business, Social & Decision Sciences.

The School of Business, Social and Decision Sciences focuses on interdisciplinary research and education in business sciences, finance and economics, political sciences, as well as in fields related social interactions and to cognitive processes underlying behavior of individuals, groups, or institutions.

Key disciplines in the school include Management Science, Finance, Economics, Industrial Engineering, Logistics, Political Science, Cognitive Psychology, and Sociology.

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Constructor University Spring 2024
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Constructor University Students come from all over the world to live and learn at Constructor University. Our student body represents 120 nations. They form an ambitious campus community whose internationality is unprecedented in Europe. Constructor University’s green and tree-shaded 80-acre campus provides much more than buildings for teaching and research.

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