Master thesis

Master thesis

General Information

The Master's thesis is due in the 4th semester of your Master studies. 

In order to receive a diploma at the Graduation ceremony, you have to submit your Master’s thesis by May 20th, 2025 at the latest. Otherwise, you must submit your thesis by the end of the semester and you will receive a 'walkthrough' diploma at the ceremony.

Please note that special rules apply in the MA International relations.

If you need to extend your studies please do so by July 15th, 2025.

Master's thesis regulations

The cover page needs to show the title of the Master’s thesis, the University’s name, the month and year of submission, the name of the Student and the names of the two Reviewers.

Furthermore, the thesis needs to contain a signed and dated Statutory declaration (click on the sample below) that states the thesis is your independent work and has not been submitted elsewhere for conferral of the degree. The signature must be your original.

Further regulations such as number of pages and formatting can be found (where applicable) in the handbook of the respective program or discussed with the academic advisor / thesis reviewer.

Submission of the Master's thesis

Submit your thesis to Moodle (link is external). The login information is the same as your Campusnet login.


In order to receive a diploma at the Graduation Ceremony, you have to submit your Master’s thesis by May 20th, 2025, at the latest. Otherwise, you must submit your thesis by the end of the semester (August 31st) and you will receive a 'walkthrough' diploma at the ceremony.