Physicists are the all-rounders among the natural scientists. About two thirds work on advancing our scientific knowledge or develop new technologies, products, and processes. Research positions are found in research centers, scientific institutes, and universities. In industry, physicists work in fields like IT, software development, electronics, lasers, optics, and semiconductors. An increasing demand for physicists comes also from the sector of medical technology. Another large fraction of physicists holds faculty positions at universities and colleges or work in other branches of education.
Solid, demanding and transdisciplinary study program with employability focus and excellent career perspectives: A Constructor University BSc in Physics provides a solid and at the same time flexible foundation for careers in diverse fields, from basic research to engineering and life sciences, to finance and management. The scientific knowledge, the problem-solving skills, and the social skills acquired during the studies of physics at Constructor University guarantee success in our increasingly technology-driven society, as demonstrated by our many very successful graduates.
Highest academic standards: The physics curriculum at Constructor University is designed to ensure that graduates will be well prepared for postgraduate programs in physics and related fields at world-wide leading universities. The physics program is oriented along the guidelines of the Konferenz der Fachbereiche der Physik (KFP) in Germany, the Institute of Physics (Britain) for BSc in Physics, and the topics required for the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) physics test. Here, Constructor University Physics BSc graduates have an excellent placement record in the top graduate programs.
Developing your personal skills and thinking abilities: The broad training in analytical skills, technical thinking and the appreciation of complexity and subtlety allows physicists to work - often with an additional qualification - as management consultants, patent attorneys, market analysts, or risk managers. Many BSc degree recipients go on to graduate school in physics and other fields, as careers in research and development usually require a postgraduate degree.
International network: Very helpful for career development is also the opportunity for international network building with Constructor University Physics students coming from more than a hundred different nations. Good communication skills are essential, since many physicists work as part of a team, have contact to clients with non-physics background, and need to write research papers and proposals. These skills are particularly well developed in the broad and multidisciplinary undergraduate program at Constructor University.
The Career Services Center (CSC) as well as the Constructor Alumni Office help students in their career development. The CSC provides students with high-quality training and coaching in CV creation, cover letter formulation, interview preparation, effective presenting, business etiquette and employer research as well as in many other aspects, thus helping students identify and follow up rewarding careers after their time at Constructor University. Furthermore, the Alumni Office helps students establish a long-lasting and worldwide network which comes in handy when exploring job options in academia, industry, and elsewhere.
BSc Physics | 2012
Nationality: German
When I started my Master of Science in Physics at ETH [Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Zürich/Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich], which is a huge university, I realized that Jacobs has a very broad Physics education. I did not even need to take many of the foundational courses that most other Masters students had to take on top of the required courses for the program because I had already had those courses as part of the Jacobs program.
I found the faculty very approachable, and they really care. They wanted you to succeed without lowering their requirements and expectations of you. It is really important not to discourage students at that age, and I feel in a public university, it is the complete opposite where there is a process of weeding out students so the exams are tougher on purpose in the first semester.

Graduates of Constructor University follow a variety of career paths all over the world – may it be a professional or academic career or even the leap into entrepreneurship.
We want to share with you some of the exciting stories of our alumni.
Read what they have to say about the Constructor University experience and how it helped them personally and professionally.
Today’s business world requires disciplinary knowledge from graduates as well as the ability to apply this knowledge. Career-related services at Constructor University provide information, counseling and training, networks, and events. Constructor University’s students participate in trainings on project management, business communication, job interview skills, and more. Digital job and internship portfolios help students to prepare for their career.
Contact the Career Services Center
Email: csc@constructor.university
Phone: +49 421 200-4212
Studying at Constructor University gives you connections – often for your whole life.
The Alumni Association E.V. was founded in 2004 by the first generation of graduates. Since then, around 4,500 students have obtained their degrees from this University.
Contact the Alumni Office
Email: alumni@constructor.university
Phone: +49 421 200-4238