Constructor University emphasizes continued collaboration with local stakeholders at annual New Year’s Reception
A spirit of collaboration and partnership was on display at the annual New Year’s Receptions with unifreunde and members of the Bremen-Vegesack community respectively. From an increase in joint academic activities to further strengthening ties with local industry leaders and politicians, University President Dr. Stanislav Protasov further highlighted Constructor University’s commitment to the local community in 2025. Further, plans were unveiled that the university intends to expand the campus by investing €500m to erect new buildings, which will boost the university’s long-term viability, while also creating 3500 temporary and 1000 permanent jobs.
“Constructor University has always been defined by our belief in working together. It is with a great source of pride that we endeavor to bring together people from across the globe and different cultural backgrounds to drive innovation together,” remarked Dr. Stanislav Protasov, Constructor University President, at the annual unifreunde New Year’s Reception in Bremen. To an audience of 300 leaders from the political, academic and private sectors, Dr. Protasov reflected on the year’s past achievements, including the prestigious Dynamic Days Europe conference held on the campus of Constructor University in July with the support of Uni Bremen, and looked ahead at opportunities in the coming year to bolster connections that drive progress. “Alongside all of you, and with our global network of partners, we endeavor to bridge the gap between knowledge and practice, creating solutions that benefit society as a whole.”
Dr. Protasov also spoke about Constructor University’s plans for growth in the coming years “It is our mission to identify promising students worldwide and to provide them with the necessary support to launch their academic careers in Bremen,” said Dr. Protasov.” With applications doubling in 2024, I am proud to say that we are well on our way to achieving our goal of bringing 5000 young people to Bremen to study at Constructor University in the near-term.” Currently, there are approximately 2000 students enrolled at the private Bremen university. “To provide our growing student body with the necessary facilities to reach their potential, we will be erecting new buildings on campus. This will not only provide our future students with state-of-the-art facilities, but also provide thousands of new temporary and permanent jobs in the Bremen community.”
As is annual tradition, the 300 guests from academic, political and civic spheres were introduced to the newest professors to join the Constructor University community. This year, Dr. Protasov had the honor of welcoming Prof. Dr. Lennart Ante, Prof. Dr. Fabian Dehos, Prof. Dr. Torsten John and Prof. Dr. Nikolai Leopold. “Each of these individuals possess exceptional knowledge in their respective fields and will enrich our campus with their new perspectives and bolster our commitment to finding solutions to the pressing challenges in our modern world.”
Collaboration and partnership were recurring themes at the New Year’s Reception for Bremen-Vegesack the week before. Held on campus at Constructor University, Mayor of Bremen-Vegesack Gunnar Sgolik invited members of the local community to attend the annual event. In his address, the Mayor of Bremen, Andreas Bovenschulte, stressed the importance of togetherness. As they do every year, attendees donated generously to a charitable cause, with proceeds this year going to a local homeless charity.
Dr. Serg Bell, Chairman of the Board of Constructor University highlighted the University’s continued efforts to advancing the state of higher education across the Constructor Group and spoke out for the power of science, knowledge and education. “Knowledge is the solution to all the world’s evils,“ Dr. Bell said. Constructor University Chancellor Oznur Bell highlighted the university’s year of landmark growth and ongoing commitment to acquiring the next generation of changemakers. “After identifying talented young students, we need to convince them that CU and Bremen is the right location for them to fulfil their potential,” Chancellor Bell said. “To this end, we partnered with local government bodies and global companies, including KPMG, BMW and Jetbrains, among others. Each of these partnerships are designed to support our talented students. By working together, we can make Bremen a hub for international recognition and meaningfully contribute to German higher education.
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D. Scott Peterson | Corporate Communications | Tel.: 0172 367 7317