Laura Garcia
Laura GarciaBA Intercultural Relations and Behavior | 2014
Nationality: Honduran
Graduate School: MSc International Marketing, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Current Position: Expertise Lead Agile Coach, ING (ING-DiBa), Frankfurt, Germany
Position at time of interview: Retail Banking Trainee, ING (ING-DiBa), Amsterdam, the Netherlands

What did Jacobs do for you that you were not expecting?
Jacobs University changed my perspective of life. It is a unique place where people from all over the world meet – it's not just advertisement, it's truly lived – and not only do we learn from other cultures, but most importantly, we learn to value our own.
What do you think about the study program you were in at Jacobs?
My favorite thing about the Jacobs study program was the multi-disciplinary approach. It made me challenge myself and learn about something very different to what I was normally supposed to learn with my curriculum. It broadened my horizons and made think differently.
My studies were very student-focused with such small classes that it felt personalized! The courses were really interesting and most importantly, the professors were sharing knowledge from current trends, not things from centuries ago.