Ivan Záhorec
Ivan ZáhorecBA Integrated Social Sciences | 2004
Nationality: Slovakia
Current Position and company: Freelancer

What was the best thing about studying at Jacobs University?
- Campus life
- Experiencing Germany and the whole world in one location
- Professor-to-student ratio enabling small classrooms with intense interactions
What did you like about your major? Would you recommend it?
Integrated Social Sciences – main advantage: a very broad overview of the mechanics of the world, the why and what that's happening in it. I would recommend it highly as a way of finding one's bearings. Regarding future career: either continue the academic/research path or specialize by means of combining it with a focused graduate program or work/internship/traineeship experience.
Please describe your career journey so far and your current role.
After Jacobs, I started in international cooperation projects, where, thanks to the skills I acquired at the university, I began profiling as a project manager. This was further advanced in my graduate studies, where I studied project management. Basically, ever since, I've been in the position of either project manager or project consultant throughout a multitude of projects and customers. In my current role, I'm a freelance project manager providing my
services, e.g., to a large international utility company and managing some of their projects.
How did your time at Jacobs influence your career?
Significantly. And not only the formal content of education but even more so the informal context of the whole place. In many career paths, you need to interact with people from across the globe, and it tremendously helps if you can relate to them and understand their situation and culture. In few locations do you have the whole world condensed in such a small place. Also, the soft skills gained during classes were invaluable in "the real world."
Did your internship during your studies help you get your career started?
Yes, although the path was not straightforward. However, I am sure I wouldn't be where I am now without the internship.
Did the alumni network help you start your career?
A little bit at the beginning.
A word to prospective students.
In retrospect, I consider my Jacobs experience very positive, and it helped in my personal and professional life. I suggest you reach out to me or other alumni, ask questions, and use their insights to better understand what the opportunities and challenges ahead are to be better prepared to overcome them.