Isabel Gora
Isabel GoraBA Global Economics and Management | 2014
Nationality: Zimbabwe
Current Position: Manager: Organisational Transformation & Culture, at Daimler in Stuttgart, Germany
Position at time of interview: Organizational Development Consultant

What would you say to a student who is thinking about studying in Europe/Germany/Jacobs?
Europe is one of the best places to acquire your degree. Not only will you have access to neighboring countries with rich cultures, but you will also be exposed to leading international companies that could be your potential future employer. Germany is a fantastic destination for me personally, due to the fact that it offers one a great opportunity to learn a completely new language. Jacobs, “the Bubble”, will offer you an experience that will make you stand out everywhere you go, be it at work when you have a project with colleagues who have a different background than yours, or at home when people constantly tell you that you have changed (for the better).
What did Jacobs do for you that you were not expecting?
Jacobs taught me that my dreams were valid. It opened doors that I did not even know existed. It made me meet incredible people whose stories inspired me and continue to inspire me.
What do you think about the study program you were in at Jacobs?
The Global Economics and Management program taught me soft skills that are quite handy in the business world today. The constant presentations, multiple group projects, and unlimited deadlines prepared me for the corporate world. The transdisciplinary approach prepared me to be able to work in a diverse working environment where mechanical engineers come together with psychologists and software engineers to solve problems.