Darin Madzharov
Darin MadzharovBSc Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | 2009
MSc Communications, Systems and Electronics | 2011
Nationality: Bulgarian
Current Position: Founder of ucha.se, Bulgaria’s number one educational platform with 16 000+ video lessons and tests covering 100% of the Bulgarian curriculum from grade 1 to 12.

Some details about Darin:
- One of Forbes’ Top 30 under 30
- Co-founder of the Engineering Club at Jacobs University
- Founded ucha.se while doing his PhD, today the company has more than 100 employees and 600000 registered users
- 60% of the schools in Bulgaria have active subscription to ucha.se
What was the most rewarding part of your Jacobs experience?
Тhe great learning experience. It’s not just the curriculum of the program, which is strong, but acquiring engineering thinking, which can be applied to any field, including business. Another aspect is the diversity of the campus: the opportunity to learn with and from people from every corner of the world and every walk of life.
What do your days look like currently?
In terms of work, it’s always split between thinking of new products and ways to improve the existing ones, marketing them, but also looking after my team. It’s very important that my team understands and follows the company culture, so part of my workday goes into insuring we are on the same page when in it comes to corporate culture.
I see myself as an entrepreneur for the long run, so I see my business as a marathon, not a sprint. For that reason, in my free time I try to stay mentally and physically fit and enjoy life.