
Prof. Dr. Manfred Hinz
Adjunct Professor in Law and African Studies
School of Business, Social & Decision Sciences
Constructor University Bremen gGmbH
Res. IV | Campus Ring 1 | 28759 Bremen
Res. IV | Campus Ring 1 | 28759 Bremen
Phone number
+49 421 200-3381
Fax number
+49 421 200-3303
Email Address
Research IV, Room 99 b
Research Interests
I am an adjunct professor at Constructor University, specializing in law and African studies, as well as a professor emeritus at the University of Bremen, focusing on public law, political sociology, and the sociology of law. I am particularly interested in international and environmental law, and the legal and political aspects of the development of states and society.
Selected Publications
In Search of Justice and Peace
Traditional and Informal Justice Systems in Africa
Without Chiefs there would be no Game; Customary Law and Nature Conservation
Publications on Scopus
Read more about Manfred O. Hinz from the Namibia Scientific Society.