Prof. Dr. Hildegard Meyer-Ortmanns
Campus Ring 8
28759 Bremen, Germany
Statistical Physics Out-of-Equilibrium and Nonlinear Dynamics:
- The Impact of Stochastic Fluctuations in Nonlinear Dynamics
- The Role of Topology in Biological Applications
- Dynamical Basis of Cognitive Processes in the Brain
- Trade-offs between Cost, Precision and Speed
- Evolutionary Game Theory and Multi-Scale Dynamics
- Resilient Design of Power Grids
Recently approved:
- DFG-grant ME-1332/30-1: Topological phases in nonlinear oscillatory systems
Currently funded:
- DFG-grant ME-1332/28-2: Coupled heteroclinic networks
Recently funded:
- BMBF Project CoNDyNet 2 03EK3055A-G : Zusammenspiel vernetzter dezentraler Stromregionen und ihrer Märkte (in collaboration with Potsdam Institut für Klimafolgenforschung, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Technische Universität Dresden, Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Technische Universität Clausthal)
- BMBF Project CoNDyNet (Collective Nonlinear Dynamics of Complex Power Grids) in collaboration with Potsdam Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK), Max-Planck Institut für Dynamik und Selbstorganisation (MPIDS Göttingen), Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS) and Forschungszentrum Jülich
- DFG-grant ME-1332/28-1: Design of Transient Winnerless Games of Competition
- DFG-grant ME-1332/25-1: Physical Aging
H. Meyer-Ortmanns and S. Thurner as editors, Principles of Evolution: From the Planck Epoch to Complex Multicellular Life, The Frontiers Collection. p.1-386 (Springer, Heidelberg, 2011).
H. Meyer-Ortmanns and T. Reisz as authors, Principles of Phase Structures in Particle Physics, Lecture Notes in Physics 77, 682 pages (World Scientific, Singapore 2007).
H. Meyer-Ortmanns and A. Klümper as editors, Proceedings of the Workshop on Field Theoretical Tools for Polymer and Particle Physics in Wuppertal (June 17-19, 1997), Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 508, p.1-258 (Springer, Heidelberg, 1998).
Contributions to Books:
H. Meyer-Ortmanns (2022). Shared Mathematical Content in the Context of Complex Systems. In: Wuppuluri, S., Stewart, I. (eds) From Electrons to Elephants and Elections. The Frontiers Collection. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-92192-7_18
H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Trade-offs between Cost and Precision and their Possible Impact on Aging, in: The Energetics of Computing in Life and Machines, D. H. Wolpert, C. Kempes, P. F. Stadler, J. A. Grochow, eds. (SFI Press, Santa Fe Institute, New Mexico, 2019), p. 285-304.
H. Meyer-Ortmanns, On the Success and Limitations of Reductionism in Physics, in: Why More is Different. Philosophical Issues in Condensed Matter Physics and Complex Systems. The Frontiers Collection. B. Falkenburg and M. Morrison, eds., (Springer, Heidelberg, 2015), p.13-39.
H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Functional Complexity Based on Topology, p.1-15. Advances in Network Complexity, M. Dehmer, A. Mowshowitz, and F. Emmert-Streib, eds. , (Wiley-Blackwell, 2013).
H. Meyer-Ortmanns and D. Labavic, Demographic Fluctuations and Inherent Time Scales in a Genetic Circuit, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, CSS-arXiv: paper 27 (2012).
H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Introduction, in: Principles of Evolution: From the Planck Epoch to Complex Multicellular Life, p.1-44. The Frontiers Collection. H. Meyer-Ortmanns and S. Thurner, eds., (Springer, Heidelberg, 2011).
Journal papers:
Statistical Physics Out-Of- Equilibrium, Nonlinear and Stochastic Processes:
H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Heteroclinic Networks for brain dynamics, Review article in Front. Netw. Physiol. 3, 1276401~1-16 (2023). https://doi.org/10.3389/fnetp.2023.1276401
M. Aravind and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, On relaxation times of heteroclinic dynamics, Chaos 33(10), 103138~1-10 (2023).
B. Thakur and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Controlling the mean time to extinction in populations of bacteria, Entropy 25(5),755~1-22 (2023).
T. Ritmeester and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Rare desynchronization events in power grids: On data implementation and dimensional reductions, preprint arXiv:2208.02742v2 [nlin.AO], J. Phys. Complex. 3, 045010~1-28 (2022).
B. Thakur and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Heteroclinic units acting as pacemakers: Entrained dynamics for cognitive processes, J. Phys. Complex. 3, 035003~1-21 (2022).
T. Ritmeester and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, The cavity method for minority games between arbitrageurs on financial markets, 38 pages, J. Stat. Mech., 043403 (2022).
T. Ritmeester and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Belief propagation for supply networks: Efficient clustering of their factor graphs, Eur. Phys. J. B 95, 89 (2022).
D. Witthaut, F. Hellmann, J. Kurths, S. Kettemann, H. Meyer-Ortmanns, M. Timme, Collective nonlinear dynamics and self-organization in decentralized power grids, Rev. Mod. Phys.94, 015005-1-48 (2022).
T. Ritmeester and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Minority games played by arbitrageurs on the energy market, Physica A 573, 125927~1-19 (2021).
S. R. Serrao, T. Ritmeester, and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Rare extinctions events in cyclic predator-prey games, J. Phys. A: Math.Theor. 54, 235001 (2021).
M. Voit and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Emerging criticality at bifurcation points in heteroclinic dynamics, Phys. Rev. Res. 2, 043097 (2020).
T. Ritmeester and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, State estimation of power flows for smart grids via belief propagation, Phys. Rev. E102, 012311~1-14 (2020).
M. Voit and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Coupled heteroclinic networks in disguise, Chaos 30, 083113~1-11 (2020).
M. Voit and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Dynamical inference of simple heteroclinic networks, Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics 5, article 63, 1-10 (2019).
M. Voit and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Dynamics of nested, self-similar winnerless competition in time and space, Phys. Rev. Res. 1, 023008 (2019).
M. Voit and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, How aging can be an unavoidable fate of dynamical systems, New J. Phys.21, 043045 (2019).
M. Voit and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Predicting the separation of time scales in a heteroclinic network, Appl. Math. Nonl. Sci. 4(2), 273-282 (2019).
B. L. Brown, H. Meyer-Ortmanns, M. Pleimling, Dynamically generated hierarchies in games of competition, Phys. Rev. E 99, 062116 (2019).
M. Voit and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, A hierarchical heteroclinic network: Controlling the time evolution along its paths, Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top. 227, 1101 (2018).
M. Mureddu and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Extreme prices in electricity balancing markets from an approach of statistical physics, Physica A 490, 1324 (2018).
M. Rohden, D. Witthaut, M. Timme, and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Curing critical links in oscillator networks as power flow models, New J. Phys. 19, 013002 (2017).
D. Labavic and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Long-period clocks from short-period oscillators, Chaos 27, 083103 (2017).
S. Esmaeili, D. Labavic, M. Pleimling and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Breaking of time-translation invariance in Kuramoto dynamics with multiple time scales, Europhys. Lett.118, 40006 (2017).
D. Labavic and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Temporal self-similar synchronization patterns and scaling in repulsively coupled oscillators, arXiv:1705.04079, Indian Academy of Sciences Conference Proceedings 1 (1), 101-108 (2017).
M. Mureddu, G. Caldarelli, A. Damiano, A. Scala and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Islanding the power grid on the transmission level: less connections for more security, Sci. Rep. 6, 34797; doi: 10.1038/srep34797 (2016).
D. Labavic and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Rock-paper-scissors played within competing domains in predator-prey games, arXiv:1608.05553, 42 pages, and J. Stat. Mech., 113402~1-21 (2016).
H. Nagel, H. Meyer-Ortmanns, and W. Janke, Boundary-drive-induced formation of aggregate condensates in stochastic transport with short-range interactions, Europhys. Lett. 111, 30001 (2015).
D. Labavic and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, On the arrest of synchronized oscillations, Europhys. Lett. 109, 10 001-p1-p6 (2015).
D. Labavic and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Networks of coupled circuits: From a versatile toggle switch to collective coherent behavior, Chaos 24, 043118 1-14 (2014), see also: D. Labavic and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, A simple mechanism for controlling the onset and arrest of collective oscillations in genetic circuits, arXiv:1402.0990.
H. Nagel, D. Labavic, H. Meyer-Ortmanns, and W. Janke, Open boundary conditions in stochastic transport processes with pair-factorized steady states, in: Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed-Matter Physics XXVII, eds. H.-B. Schüttler, S. Lewis, M. Bachmann, and D.P. Landau, Physics Procedia 57, 77 (2014).
D. Labavic, R. Suciu, H. Meyer-Ortmanns and S. Kettemann, Long-range response to transmission line disturbances in DC electricity grids, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics (EPJ ST) on “Resilient power grids and extreme events”, 223, 2517-2525 (2014).
F. Ionita and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Aging of classical oscillators, Phys. Rev. Lett.112, 094101 (2014).
F. Ionita, D. Labavic, M. Zaks, and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Order-by-disorder in classical oscillator systems, Eur. Phys. J. B 86(12), 511-524 (2013).
D. Labavic, H. Nagel, W. Janke, and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Caveats in modeling a common motif in genetic circuits, Phys. Rev. E87, 062706(11) , 11 pages (2013).
A. Garai, B. Waclaw, H. Nagel, and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Stochastic description of a bistable frustrated unit, J. Stat. Mech. P01009, 28 pages (2012).
P. Kaluza and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, A network of phase oscillators as a device for sequential pattern generation, arXiv:1107.2294v2 [nlin.CD] (2011).
P. Kaluza and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, On the role of frustration in excitable systems, Chaos 20, 043111-1-11 (2010) (11 pages), selected for Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research — November 15, 20 (10) (2010).
B. Waclaw, J. Sopik, W. Janke, and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Mass condensation on networks, J. Phys.: Conference Series, JPCS 246, 012011 (2010).
P. Kaluza, C. Strege and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Noise as control parameter in excitable media: Role of the network topology, Phys. Rev. E 82, 036104 (2010).
B. Waclaw, J. Sopik, W. Janke, and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Mass condensation in one dimension with pair-factorized steady states, J. Stat. Mech. P10021 October (2009), 29 pages.
B. Waclaw, J. Sopik, W. Janke, and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Tuning the shape of the condensate in spontaneous symmetry breaking, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 080602-080606 (2009).
B. Waclaw, J. Sopik, W. Janke, and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Pair-factorized steady states on arbitrary graphs, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42, 315003-315011 (2009), see also: B. Waclaw, J. Sopik, W. Janke, and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Pair-factorization of steady states on a ring, arXiv:0901.3664v1 (2009).
A. Samal and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Preferential attachment renders an evolving network of populations robust against crashes, Physica A 388, 1535-1545 (2009).
F. Radicchi, Y.Y. Ahn and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Impact of the updating scheme on stationary states of networks, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 224010~1—7 (2008).
F. Radicchi, D.Vilone and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Universality class of triad dynamics on a triangular lattice, Phys.Rev.E 75, 021118~1-9 (2007).
F. Radicchi, D.Vilone, S.Yoon, and H. Meyer-Ortmanns: Social Balance as a Satisfiability Problem of Computer Science, Phys.Rev.E 75, 026106~1-17 (2007).
F. Radicchi, D.Vilone and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Phase transition between synchronous and asynchronous updating algorithms, J.Stat.Phys. 129. 593 (2007) (11 pages).
T. Tesileanu and H.Meyer-Ortmanns, Competition of languages and their Hamming distance, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C17(2), 259-277 (2006).
S.H.Yook and H.Meyer-Ortmanns, Synchronization of Rössler oscillators on scale-free topologies, Physica A 371 (2), 781-789 (2006).
F.Radicchi and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Entrainment of coupled oscillators on regular networks by pacemakers, Phys. Rev. E 73, 036218 1-7 (2006).
F.Radicchi and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Reentrant Synchronization and Pattern Formation in Pacemaker-Entrained Kuramoto Oscillators, Phys.Rev.E 74, 026203 1-9 (2006).
X. Li, H. Meyer-Ortmanns and X.Wang, Chaotic and periodic spreading dynamics in discrete small-world networks, IEEE Int. Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2005), May 23-26 Kobe, 280-283, (2005).
S.H. Yook, F. Radicchi and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Self-similar scale-free networks and disassortativity, Phys. Rev. E 72, 045105 1-4, Rapid Communications (2005).
H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Functional Complexity Index for Metabolic and Genetic Networks, Physica A 346/1-2, 123-131 (2005).
H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Functional Complexity Measure for Networks, Physica A 337, 679-690 (2004).
D. Stauffer and H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Simulation of consensus model of Deffuant et al. on a Barabási-Albert network, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C15, 241- 246 (2004).
H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Immigration, integration and ghetto formation, Int. J. Mod.Phys. C14, 311-320 (2003).
H. Meyer-Ortmanns and T.Reisz, Dynamical linked cluster expansions with applications to disordered systems, Eur.Phys.J.B27, 549-558 (2002).
H. Meyer-Ortmanns, P.T.Landsberg, S.Abe, A.K.Rajagopal, and T.Yamano, A note on limitations of standard thermodynamics, Ann.Phys. (Leipzig) 11, 457-460 (2002).
H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Catastrophical senescence of the Pacific Salmon without mutation-accumulation, Int.J.Mod.Phys.C12, 319-323 (2001).
Publications in Relation to Particle Physics:
The Phase Structure of Particle Physics:
H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Phase transitions in quantum chromodynamics, Rev. Mod. Phys. 68, 474-592 (1996).
Statistical Physics and Quantum Field Theory (General):
H. Meyer-Ortmanns and T.Reisz, Dynamical linked cluster expansions: A novel expansion scheme for point-link-point interactions, Int.J.Mod.Phys.A14, 947-985 (1999).
H. Meyer-Ortmanns and T.Reisz, The monotony criterion for a finite size scaling analysis of phase transitions, J. Math. Phys. 39, 5316-5323 (1998).
H. Meyer-Ortmanns and T.Reisz, Critical phenomena with convergent series expansions in a finite volume, J.Stat.Phys.87, 755-798 (1997).
H. Meyer-Ortmanns and T.Trappenberg, Surface tension from finite volume vacuum tunneling in the 3d-Ising model, J.Stat.Phys.58, 185-198 (1990).
H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Applications of Zimmermann’s reduction of couplings in Phi4-models, Phys.Lett.186B, 195-199 (1987).
H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Proposal of a new upgrading procedure for Monte Carlo experiments, Z. Phys.C27, 553-558 (1985).
Lattice Gauge Theory of Quantum Chromodynamics and Related Models:
B. Berg, H. Meyer-Ortmanns, and A. Velytsky, Dynamics of phase transitions with hysteresis measurements II, Phys.Rev.D70, 054505 1-12 (2004).
B. Berg, U. Heller, H. Meyer-Ortmanns, and A. Velytsky, Dynamics of phase transitions with hysteresis measurements I, Phys. Rev. D69, 034501 1-11 (2004).
H. Arkan, B.Berg, T.Celik and H.Meyer-Ortmanns, Study of phase separation in a first-order phase transition: nucleation versus spinodal decomposition, Int.J.Mod.Phys.C10, 1261-1269 (1999).
F. Karsch and H.Meyer-Ortmanns, Phase structure of O(N)-symmetric Phi(6)-models at small and intermediate N, Phys. Lett. 193B, 489-494 (1987).
A. Duncan, H. Meyer-Ortmanns and R.Roskies, Variational methods in supersymmetric lattice field theory: The vacuum sector, Phys.Rev.D36 3788-3796 (1987).
K.C. Bowler, A. Hasenfratz, P. Hasenfratz, U. Heller, F. Karsch, R.D. Kenway, H. Meyer-Ortmanns, I.Montvay, G.S. Pawley and D.J. Wallace, Monte Carlo renormalization group studies of SU(3) lattice gauge theory, Nucl. Phys.B257, FS14, 155-172 (1985).
H. Meyer-Ortmanns and I. Montvay, Monte-Carlo studies of glueball masses in SU(2), Phys. Lett. 145B, 251-255 (1984).
H. Meyer-Ortmanns, The vortex free energy in the screening phase of the Z(2)-Higgs model, Nucl.Phys. B235, FS11, 115-122 (1984).
H. Meyer-Ortmanns, Unexpected behavior of an order parameter for lattice gauge theories with matter fields, Nucl.Phys. B230, FS10, 31-48 (1984).
G.Mack and H. Meyer, A disorder parameter that tests for confinement in gauge theories with quark fields, Nucl.Phys. B200, 249-265 (1982).
Effective Continuum Descriptions of Quantum Chromodynamics:
H. Meyer-Ortmanns and B.-J.Schaefer, How sharp is the chiral crossover phenomenon for realistic meson masses? Phys.Rev.D53, 6586-6601 (1996).
D. Metzger, H. Meyer-Ortmanns and H.-J.Pirner, Chiral symmetry restoration at finite temperature in the linear sigma model, Phys. Lett.B321, 66-74 (1994); Erratum, Phys. Lett.B328}547 (1994).
H. Meyer-Ortmanns, H.-J.Pirner and B.-J.Schaefer, Chiral Thermodynamics in the 1/N expansion, Phys. Lett. B311, 213-218 (1993).
H. Meyer-Ortmanns and A. Patkós, On the temperature dependent effective potential of scalar field theories, Phys. Lett. B297, 331-336 (1992).
H. Meyer-Ortmanns, H.-J.Pirner and A.Patkós, Mass sensitivity of chiral symmetry restoration at finite temperature, Phys.Lett. B295, 255-262 (1992).
H. Meyer-Ortmanns, H.-J.Pirner and A.Patkós, Chiral symmetry restoration in the linear sigma model, Int.J.Mod.Phys.C3, 993-1009 (1992).
Classical Generalizations of Einstein’s General Relativity:
H. Meyer, Møller’s tetrad theory of gravitation as a special case of Poincaré gauge theory – a coincidence?, GRG 14, 531-547 (1982).
-Organization of Workshops, Summer Schools and Conferences:
2018: International Conference on Biological Aging from the Perspective of Physics, Information Science and Life Sciences, July 16-20 at Jacobs University (with J. Garcia-Ojalvo), supported by the German Research Foundation, DFG
2016: CoNDyNet Summer School on Stability of Electricity Grids, June 22-26, at Jacobs University (with S. Kettemann and G. Brunekreeft)
2015: Joint Focus Session of Sections DY and BP at the DPG-Meeting on Aging in Physical and Biological Systems, March 20, Berlin (organized with J. Krug)
2014: Heraeus Seminar on The Versatile Action of Noise: From Genetic to Neural Circuits, June 22-27, at Jacobs University (with A. Bernacchia)
2012: Heraeus-Seminar on Ecological Networks and Smart Energy Grids, June 18-22, Jacobs University
2011: Satellite Workshop to the European Conference on Complex Systems in Vienna on Frontiers in the Theory of Evolution, September 14-15
2010: Heraeus-Workshop on Biomedical Modeling and Visualization: Hierarchical Materials and Multiscale Modeling, August 12-20, at Jacobs University (with H.Hahn, M.Hütt, L.Linsen and T Preusser)
2009: Heraeus-Summer School on Steps in Evolution: Perspectives from Biochemistry and Cell Biology 150 Years after Darwin, June 28-July 5, at Jacobs University
2008: Workshop on Transport Processes in Physics and Biology, May 26-28, at Jacobs University
2007: Heraeus-Summer School on Interfaces between Physics and Computer Science: June 11-22, at Jacobs University
2007: Heraeus-Summer School on Statistical Physics of Gene Regulation: From Networks to Expression Data and Back, July 16-28, at Jacobs University (with M. Huett)
2006-2011: Director of the ICTS (International Center for Transdisciplinary Studies): Scientific coordination of a program of conferences and workshops of various foci on campus of Jacobs University. The ICTS also supported short term visits of external guests.
Previously Organized Workshops and Schools in Relation to Particle Physics at Wuppertal University:
1999: QCD Sum Rules
1999: Concepts of Mass
1998: Two Topics in Gravitational Theory: Black Holes and Gravitational Waves
1998: Applications of Gauge Theories in Particle Physics and Beyond
1997: Field Theoretical Tools in Polymer and Particle Physics (with A. Klümper)
Since 2023 External faculty member of the Complexity Science Hub Vienna, 1080 Wien, Austria
Research and Teaching Positions
Since 2020 Emeritus (Adjunct Professor of Physics) at formerly Jacobs University Bremen, which has been renamed to Constructor University since 2023
2002-2020 Full Professor of Physics at the International University Bremen from 2002-2007, which was renamed to Jacobs University Bremen in 2007 until end of 2022
2000-2001 Apl. Professor at the University of Heidelberg
1996-2000 C4-professorship as replacement of Professor K. Schilling at the University of Wuppertal
1990-1996 Post-doc, interrupted by parental leave, at the University of Heidelberg
1987-1990 Post-doc and research associate at the University of Zürich and at ETH Zürich
1986-1987 Fellow at CERN (Geneva)
1984-1986 Post-doc at the Max-Planck Institute (Werner Heisenberg Institute) in Munich
1993 Habilitation and Venia Legendi in physics at the University of Heidelberg
1983 PhD in Physics at the University of Hamburg on a topic of particle physics
1979 Diploma of Physics at the University of Cologne on a topic of general relativity
The project is on the role of topology in nonlinear oscillatory systems. Topology refers to a property of matter that is often used for constructing robust systems, insensitive to continuous deformations and various sources of stochastic fluctuations. The role of topology has been well studied in condensed matter physics. Topological phases have been analyzed both in quantum and classical systems, but much less in the context of biophysical applications, although the observed robustness of biological systems to inherent and external fluctuations is poorly understood. The project considers the option of topological protection in different systems with nonlinear autonomous oscillations which are known to describe genetic, neural and cellular networks.
Duration: The project is supported by the German research foundation (DFG) for the duration of two years.
Starting date: preferably spring 2024.
Background: The candidate should have a PhD in theoretical physics, proven expertise in at least one or more of the following fields: nonlinear dynamics, theoretical condensed matter physics,
statistical mechanics; strong interest and expertise in analytical approaches as well as numerical tools, bifurcation analyses, and dealing with stochastic systems.
Application: Interested candidates should send a CV, list of publications, letter of research interests, names of two referees to hortmanns@constructor.university
Deadline: Please send in your application by December 20, 2023. The position is open until it has been filled.
Constructor University was known as Jacobs University from 2007 to 2023, and as International University Bremen from 2001 to 2007. It was founded in 2001. It is a top-ranked, private university, with a campus in Bremen, Germany. Interdisciplinary approaches are very welcome. Students are from more than hundred nations. Campus language is English.