Prof. Dr. Christoph Lattemann
Campus Ring 1
Res. IV
28759 Bremen
The research group I3 does research on the the two major global trends: Digital Transformation and Globalization.

Prof. Lattemann published 15 books and more than 200 articles in journals, on conferences or as book chapters. He published in (abs 3 and abs 4 journals) such as Journal of World Business, Regional Studies, Energy Policy, and MIR- Management International Review, Thunderbird International Business Review, Corporate Governance – An International Review, International Journal of Emerging Markets, BISE -WI, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research.
The main research areas of the team are
- Information Management
- Design Thinking/Innovation Management/Design Sciene Research
- International Business with a focus on China and Emerging Markets
The research fields of the I3 group encompass two major current global topics: (1) International Business/Globalization, and (2) Digital Transformation with particular emphasis on Innovation Management/Information Systems. Both research topics are mutually connected, because international enterprises collaborate more and more closely with their business partners, such as suppliers, customers, competitors, corporate citizens, government, etc. by integrating them into their value creation chain to gain competitive advantages. New internet technologies and innovation management approaches (e.g. Open Innovation and Design Thinking) are drivers of these trends.
To do research on the digital transformation in the service sector, in 2011, Christoph Lattemann built up a Design Thinking Lab at Jacobs University – the D-Forge. Research related to the D-Forge deals with the user-centered adoption of innovative technologies in the service industry to establish new entrepreneurial opportunities, ICT-based business models, and creative and different ways to collaborate, and innovate. The D-Forge is an innovative space and has become an exemplary place for learning, where the I3 group brings together not only many international students but also SMEs and MNEs.
To intensify the research on International Business at Jacobs University, Prof. Lattemann established in 2012 the “Center for the Study on China and Globalization” (ChinaGlobal Center). In combination with his position as the vice president of the Chinese Globalization Association (a NPO registered in the USA) and the vice-directorship of the Confucius Institute Bremen (KIB) he and his I3 research group (together with the research group of Prof. ten Brink from Jacobs University) investigate many of the important emerging questions related to China’s globalization.

2010-today Professor of Business Adminstration and Information Management - Constructor University (formerly knwon as Jacobs University)
2018-2022 Part-time Professor of Entrepreneurship - University of Agder (Norway)
2003- 2010 Junior-Professor of Corporate Governance and E-Commerce - University Potsdam
2005-2006 Acting Professor for Entrepreneurship - University Kiel, Multimedia Campus
Visiting Scholar Positions: Harvard University, Stanford University, Copenhagen Business School, Hasso Plattner Institute, Rollins College, Educatis University
Current Teaching:
Design Thinking
Digital Transformation and Organizations
Digital Services and Innovation
Introduction to Intenational Business
Former Teaching
Finance and Investment
Introduction to Information Systems Management
Global E-Business
Current Projects
2022-2023 AI-based Price Determination , Industry Project
2021-2024 StudyBuddy - AI-based virtual study companion, BMBF Project, Förderkennzeichen: INVI0601- https://study-buddy-research.de/
2010--today D-Forge - Design Thinking Lab
Former Projects (selection)
2018-2022 BeDien - Begleitforschung zu Personennahen Dienstleistungen , BMBF Project
2019-2021 AI-based Price-Determination on CACOA Markets , BMEL Project
2015-2019 DETHIS- Design Thinking for Industrial Services, BMBF Project
2017-2021 HEART - Health-related Activity Recognition System based on IoT, ITN EU Project
Books (2009-today)
Lattemann, C., Robra-Bissantz, S. (2023) Personennahe Dienstleistungen der Zukunft - Beiträge aus Theorie und Praxis, Springer (in print) |
Gebbing, P., Yang, X., Lattemann, C. (2022) Handbook Creativity in Global Virtual Teams, ISBN: 978-3-756513-05-5 |
Robra-Bissantz, S. Lattemann, C. (2022) Service for Good Playbook, ISBN: 978 -3-75622480-7 |
Zhang, W., Alon, I., Lattemann, C. (2020). Huawei Goes Global Vol I: Made in China for the World, Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 978-3-030-47563-5 |
Zhang, W., Alon, I., Lattemann, C. (2020). Huawei Goes Global Vol II: Regional and Geopolitical Perspectives and Crisis Management, Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 978-3-030-47578-9 |
Robra-Bissantz, S., Lattemann, C., (2018). Digital Customer Experience, Springer-Book-Edition-HMD, ISBN 978-3-658-22541-4. |
Zhang, W., Alon, I., Lattemann, C. (2018). China's Belt and Road Initiative: The Changing Rules of Globalization, Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 978-3-319-75435-2. |
Vaccarini, K., Spigarelli, F., Tavelotti, E., Lattemann, C. (2017). Cultural Distance in International Ventures, Springer International Publishing, ISBN 978-3-319-62193-7. |
Stieglitz, S., Lattemann, C., Robra-Bissantz, S., Zarnekow, R. (2016). Gamification – Using Game Elements in Serious Contexts, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-45555-6. |
Lattemann, C., Kupke, S. (2010). International and Interorganizational Governance, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin, ISBN 978-3-86573-532-4. |
Lattemann, C. (2010). Corporate Governance im globalisierten Informationszeitalter, Lehrbuch, Oldenbourg Verlag, ISBN 978-3-486-59217-7. |
Alon, I., Fetscherin, M., Lattemann, C., Chang, J. McIntyre, J. (2009). China Rules: Political Transformation & International Business, Palgrave/McMillan, ISBN: 978–0–230–57625-4. |
Articles in peer-revied Journals (last 5 years)
Pilcicki, R., Siemon, D., Lattemann, C. (2023) Less is Sometimes More – Constraint-based Design Principles for Creativity Support Systems, (submitted to BISE) |
Gebbing, P., Lattemann, C., Büdenbender, E. (2023) Towards a Creative Virtual Environment for Design Thinking, Pacific Asia Journal of the AIS – PAJAIS (accepted for publication) |
Guerrero, R., Gebbing, P., Lattemann, C. (2023) Helping Personal Service Firms to Cope with Digital Transformation: Evaluation of a Digitalization Maturity Model, in: Pacific Asia Journal of the AIS - PAJAIS (accepted for publication) |
Yang, X., Gebbing, P., Lankut, E., Lattemann, C. (2023) Virtual Creativity - Bibliometric Literature Review on Measurements and Factors that Influence Creative Virtual Teamwork, Creativity Research Journal (accepted for publication) |
Michalke, S., Lohrenz, L., Lattemann, C., Robra-Bissantz, S. (2022) Exploring Engagement, Well-being and Welfare on Engagement Platforms: Insight into the Personal Service Sector from the DACH Region. Journal of Electronic Markets, 10.1007/s12525-022-00589-1. |
Gebbing, P., Lattemann, C., Michalke, S., Kroschewski, T., Robra-Bissantz, S. (2022) Kernkompetenz Empathie: digitale Service-Ökosysteme personennah gestalten, HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 59 (5), 1269-1280 |
Lattemann, C., Robra-Bissantz, S. (2022) Design digitaler Plattformen, Geschäftsmodelle und Service-Ökosysteme; HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 59 (5), 1-4 |
Robra-Bissantz, S ,Lattemann, C., Laue, R., Leonhard-Pfleger, R., Wagner, L. ... (2022) Methoden zum Design digitaler Plattformen, Geschäftsmodelle und Service-Ökosysteme, HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 59 (5), 1227-1257. |
Gebbing, P, Yang, X., Lattemann, C. (2022) "Kreativitätsförderung in der virtuellen Gruppenarbeit, HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 1-14 |
Robra-Bissantz,S. Lux, A.M. Lattemann, C. (2021) Service for Good, Informatik Spektrum 44 (4), 274-282 |
Alon, I., Zhang, W., Lattemann, C. (2021) The Case for Regulating Huawei, FIIB Business Review, Perspectives, pp.1-3 |
Lattemann, C., Robra-Bissantz, S. & Ziegler, C. (2020). Die Komposition personennaher Dienstleistungen von morgen. HMD. https://doi.org/10.1365/s40702-020-00638-3 |
Fischer, S., Lux, A., Guerrero, R., Ahmad, R., Lohrenz, L., Lattemann, C. (2020). Digitalisierung als Grundlage wertvoller Zusammenarbeit – Die Gestaltung von Service-Ökosystemen in den personennahen Dienstleistungen. HMD. https://doi.org/10.1365/s40702-020-00640-9 |
Becker, F., Meyer, M., Redlich, B., Siemon, D., Lattemann, C. (2020) Open KMU: Mit Action Design Research und Design Thinking gemeinsam innovieren, HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, Jg. 57, Issue 332, April 2020, pp. 274-284 |
Fischer, S., Lattemann, C., Redlich, B., Guerrero, R. (2020) Implementation of Design Thinking to Improve Organizational Agility in an SME, Die Unternehmung – Swiss Journal of Business Research and Practice, Vol. 74(2), pp. 136-154 |
Lattemann, C., Arntsen, E., Flaten, B.-T., Fürst, N., Hølen, J., Cappelen, B. (2020) Is there a proper way to teach Design Thinking? - Empirical Evidence from Design Thinking in Education, Journal of Design Thinking, Vol. 1(1), pp.35-48. |
Lattemann, C., Alon, I., Patig, E. (2019). FinTech, Crowd Funding and Crowd Sourcing: Litigation Finance at LexShares, Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 38(2) - January/February 2019, p.13-22. |
Xing, Y., Liu, Y., Lattemann C. (2019). Accommodating institutional logics in social enterprises: the entry mode choices of foreign hospitals in China, Journal of World Business, published online |
Liu, Y., Lattemann C., Xing, Y., Dorawa, D. (2019). The emergence of collaborative partnerships between knowledge intensive business service (KIBS) and product firms: The case of KIBS in Bremen, Germany, Regional Studies, 53 (3), pp. 376-387. |
Jiang, C., Lattemann, C. (2019) Chinese OFDI in Europe under the Guidance of BRI - A Focus on China-CEE Economic Relations, China and the World – Ancient and Modern Silk Road, World Scientific, 1(4), pp.1-21, https://doi.org/10.1142/S2591729318500220 |
Vaccarini, K., Lattemann, C., Spigarelli, F., Tavoletti, E. (2019). Managers’ psychic distance and its impact on Chinese FDI to Germany in the environmental industry, International Journal of Emerging Markets, 14(2), pp. 155-170
Articles in Books (past 5 years)
Guerrero, R., Lattemann, C., Michalke, S., & Siemon, D. (2022). "A Digital Business Ecosystem Maturity Model for Personal Service Firms", in Baumann, S. (Ed.) Handbook on Digital Business Ecosystems: Strategies, Platforms, Technologies, Governance and Societal Challenges, pp. 269-291, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham.
Michalke, S., Lohrenz, L., Lattemann, C. & Robra-Bissantz, S. (2022). " Design Knowledge for Digital Business Ecosystems: Towards Design Principles for Digital Service Platforms". Baumann, S. (Eds.) Handbook on Digital Business Ecosystems, pp. 161-176, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham.
Guerrero, R., Lattemann, C. Michalke, S. (2021) Huawei. In: Urbach N. et al. (Eds) Digitilization Cases Vol. 2 Mastering Digital Transformation for Global Business, pp. 141-164, Springer
Robra-Bissantz, S., Lux, A., Lattemann, C. , Ziegler, C. (2021). Gestaltung personennaher Dienstleistungen in der digitalen Transformation. In: Schulz (Ed.) Industrie 4.0, Beuth Verlag, pp. 21-37
Köhler, T., Neumann, J., Lattemann, C. (2021). Organising academia online - Organisation models in e-learning versus e-science collaboration. In: Koschtial, C., Felden, C., Köhler, T., Hering, K., Pscheida, D., Tontchev, T. Albrecht, S. (eds.) e-Science - the enhanced science; Progress in IS Series; Berlin, Springer, pp.11-29
Redlich, B., Lattemann, C. Gernreich, C. Fuchß, C., Rechtien, C. Siemon, D., Becker, F. et al. (2020) Design Thinking für industrienahe Dienstleister – Was ein analoges und digitales DETHIS-Verfahren mit und für KMU leisten kann, in D.Beverungen,, J. H.Schumann,, V. Stich, G. Strina (Eds.), Dienstleistungsinnovationen durch Digitalisierung, Band 1: Geschäftsmodelle – Methoden – Umsetzungsbeispiele, Springer, pp. 107-158
Guerrero, R., Lohrenz, L., Lattemann, C., Robra-Bissantz, S. (2020). Digitalisierung (und Automatisierung) personennaher Dienstleistungen – eine bibliometrische Analyse, In: M. Bruhn, K. Hadwich (Eds.) 21. Band I in der Reihe “Forum Dienstleistungsmanagement“ im Call „Automatisierung und Personalisierung von Dienstleistungen“, Springer, pp. 173-197.
Ahmad, R., Fischer, S., Lattemann, C., Robra-Bissantz, S. (2020). Automatisiert und trotzdem personalisiert – Die Dienstleistung der Zukunft, In: M. Bruhn, K. Hadwich (Eds.) 21. Band I in der Reihe “Forum Dienstleistungsmanagement“ im Call „Automatisierung und Personalisierung von Dienstleistungen“, Springer, pp. 47-72.
Robra-Bissantz, S., Lattemann, C., Guerrero, R., Lux, A., Redlich, B. (2020). Der Mensch als Teil der Innovation –Eine „Service Canvas“ als anwendungsorientierter Bezugsrahmen, In: M. Bruhn, K. Hadwich (Eds.) 21. Band II in der Reihe “Forum Dienstleistungsmanagement“ im Call „Automatisierung und Personalisierung von Dienstleistungen“, Springer, pp. 47-74.
Eickemeyer, S., Lattemann, C., Halaszovich, T., Busch, J. (2019). Wertschöpfungs- und Lieferketten am Beispiel der New Silk Road, In: H.-G. Fill, A. Meier (Eds.) Blockchain – Grundlagen, Anwendungsszenarien und Nutzenpotenziale, Edition HMD, Springer, pp.215-233, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-28006-2_11
Redlich, B., Becker, F., Siemon, D., Robra-Bissantz, S.., Lattemann, C. (2018). Nutzerzentrierte Dienstleistungsinnovation durch digitales Design Thinking – Herausforderungen und Potenziale für Wissenschaft und Praxis. In: M. Bruhn, K. Hadwich (Eds.) Service Business Development - 20. Band in der Reihe “Forum Dienstleistungsmanagement“, Springer, pp. 83-102.
Redlich, B., Lattemann, C. (2019). A Design Thinking Approach for Talent Management - Can Talent Management benefit from Design Thinking?. In: Liu, Y. (ed.) Research Handbook Talent Management, Edgar Elgar, pp. 94-106. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4337/9781786437105.00016
Redlich, B., Becker, F., Fischer, S. Fromm, J., Gernreich, C., Lattemann, C., Pöppelbuß, J., Siemon, D., Wilms, K. (2019). Das DETHIS-Verfahren - Design Thinking für das Service Engineering in kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen. In: V. Stich, J., Schumann, D., Beverungen, G., Gudergan, Jussen, P. (eds.), Digitale Dienstleistungsinnovationen (pp.73-88). Springer Vieweg: Berlin, Heidelberg. – Best Paper Award at the 2. Digivation Conference Aachen
D-Forge Bremen – Design Thinking Solutions

2012-today - Director - Jacobs Center for China and Globalization
2007-today - Scientific Director and Vice President of the Chinese Globalization Association (www.chinagoesglobal.org)
Prof. Dr. Christoph Lattemann, Professor of Business Administration and Information Management
Tel: +49 421 200 3460
Email: clattemann@constructor.university
Office: Research IV, Room 60a/b
Dr. Audris Umel (Post-Doc), PhD in Psychology (Project HAMIZU, StuBu)
Tel: +49 421 200 - 3484
Email: aumel@constructor.university
Office: Research IV, Room 81a
Dr. Raoul Pilcicki (Guest Researcher), PhD in Management
Office: Research IV, Room 81b
Pia Gebbing, MA Psychology (Project StuBu)
Tel: +49 421 200
Email: pgebbing@constructor.university
Office: Research IV, Room 64b
Julia Bosbach, MA Psychology (Project HAMIZU)
Tel: +49 421 200
Email: jbosbach@constructor.university
Office: Research IV, Room 64a
Maximlian Helms, MSc Business Administration (Project HAMIZU)
Tel: +49 421 200
Email: mhelms@constructor.university
Office: Research IV, Room 81b
Laura Schmid, MSc Economics (Project Ai-based Prcie Determination)
Tel: +49 421 200
Email: lschmid@constructor.university
Office: Research IV, Room 82
Ejsi Veshaj, MSc Data Engineering (Project Ai-based Prcie Determination)
Tel: +49 421 200
Email: eveshaj@constructor.university
Office: Research IV, Room 82
- Prof. Dr. Johannes Gomolka (EFREI Paris)
- Dr. Ricardo Guerrero
- Dr. Sören Kupke
- Dr. Simon Michalke
- Dr. Raoul Pilcicki
- Dr. Beke Redlich
- Dr. Anna Maria Schneider
- Dr. Jan Schumacher
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Stieglitz (Universität Potsdam)
- Dr. Katiucia Vaccarini