It’s that time of the year again where student clubs - borne out of love and passion, possibly even plain boredom - gather together at the Club Fair, a bazaar of sorts, to yell about their finest wares (interesting club activities) in exchange for coin (yes, literal coin, as in the club fee). Now you must be wondering: a club fair? Where a bunch of people could very possibly get close enough to each other to spread airborne viruses? In this pandemic? Thankfully, even in the face of a global pandemic that would threaten to put an immediate cease to any and all kinds of physical human contact, the spirit of human ingenuity endures. After all, homosapiens (and homo homosapiens) didn’t make it this far down the evolutionary chain without anything to show for it.
The club fair, which occurred on the 12th of September, was held outdoors where the open-air whooshes away any latent viral strains floating (and possibly vibing) around the crowd. As the storm of social distancing rules in Germany settled over the past few months since the apocalyptic outbreak, students were allowed to stand together in larger numbers in the open air. Although, if you asked me, everyone living on campus should be considered a single household unit since we’re all basically family. A family where some of us don’t even know each other’s names but a tight-knit family nonetheless.

As with any family, talents, interests and values vary, and at Jacobs this diversity is exhibited through the variation and large number of clubs that exist and emerge every year. Ranging from religious fellowships to sports to cultural and society associations to all arts, these clubs cater to everyone. Not only do you have so many options, but you don’t only have to pick one! Whether you want to organize an event and participate in another, or you want to partake in your major’s society meetings on Wednesdays and ballroom dance on Fridays, you decide how much and exactly what you want to be a part of, which ultimately shapes our community.
The head-merchants of each club spend days, and sometimes, even weeks in preparation for this special day where they get to showcase the importance, uniqueness and pleasures of their club with the student body. Beautiful poster designs are printed out, photographs of happy students (presumably participating in club activities) are put up, and beautiful fairy lights illuminate booths of those present during the fair. Apart from the attractive aesthetics, conversations are had, inquiries are clarified and eventually, dedicated teams and meaningful groups are built. Corona may have killed regular events, but it will never kill a sense of community at Jacobs. Besides, if you didn’t manage to attend or haven’t joined any clubs yet, watch out for emails and approach respective members if you’re interested in becoming a part of something for you!