I thought about how I should introduce myself. Labels such as ‘the new writer’ or ‘the new student assistant for the Jacobs blog’ for some reason did not click with me. On the other hand, bombarding you with general information such as ‘my name is Kremena, but people call me Kremi’ or ‘I am a third-year Biochemistry and Cell Biology student’, sounded like I am on a job interview. One way or another, you know the basics. I am currently 21 years old and I have been a blog writer for more than 7 years, however, this my first time working as one. A few years back, I was only 10th grade, living the ordinary life, but dreaming of a way out. I stumbled upon an organization that gives scholarships to students and lets people spend a year abroad in a private American school, so I signed in right away. After all, I had nothing to lose – going there and failing was not going to change anything about my life, but if I got the scholarship… everything would change.
Fast-forward a few years, I am studying at Jacobs University and planning my life after graduation. University life is what you make out of it, I have always seen it as an opportunity to be whoever you want to be. I came to Jacobs feeling very excited and ready to compete with anyone for the top position in everything, to then realize that the only person who I should be comparing myself to, is myself. I started taking the time to see my talents, my weaknesses and how can I improve without rushing through the experience. I had lots of plans for the year 2020, but the pandemic canceled all of my trips and visits, so I had to learn new ways to entertain myself. I learned how to do pottery, crochet, and how to properly cook Bulgarian cuisine, which makes me feel more like an adult. I spend a lot of time on my hobbies, whether that would be editing videos for my YouTube channel, taking photos for my blog, or creating different kinds of art with my hands. However, everything looks a lot easier when we are looking back at it, but the journey to get here was challenging and still is. I have failed exams, submitted late for important deadlines and failed exams for the second time. However, it may feel like it is the end, but I learned that this is barely ever the case. There are always people rooting for you in the background, professors and administration want to help you, it depends on you whether you will accept the help. Currently, I am excited to start with a new chapter in my life after many misfortunes – being a third-year BCCB student and I am very happy to have the opportunity to share that with you.
By Kremena Terzieva (Bulgaria) | BSc Biochemistry and Cell Biology | Class of 2021