The Investment Banking and Capital Markets Society is the only financial society on campus. Over the last couple of months, we grew our society and established a valuable network for our members. In the near future, we will finalize partnerships with listed companies and run workshops with external guests. Soon we will also launch our Financial Office, where we support students with understanding financial documents by overcoming the language barrier.
Currently, we are looking for highly motivated students interested in finance, banking, or consulting. Are you thrilled about investing? Or do you see solutions where others only see problems? Then don't miss your opportunity to join the most prominent society on Jacobs' campus by applying on our website (link below). You can also find our posters all around campus.
With more than 50 members involved in our diverse projects, we offer our members much more than just financial education. We offer insights into the recruitment process in the financial sector, access to a broad network of students, recruiters, and industry professionals, and access to our events and activities. By joining one of our main projects, our members can learn about a specific topic of their interest. Currently, they can choose between the student-managed investment fund, the pro-bono consulting, and the events team. Also, they can engage in the areas of Human Resources and Public Relations.
Student Managed Investment Fund Our student managed investment fund, formerly known as JUSMIF (Jacobs University Student Managed Investment Fund), is now running under the name “Northvision Capital”. Currently, the fund is in the process of being converted from a student club to a charitable company, which would allow us to invest in the stock market. The fund and the money invested will be managed entirely by students from Jacobs University.
The idea of SMIF (student-managed investment funds) is a staple in business schools around the world. Some of these funds have matured to have over 20 years of experience, partners, and a fully-fledged training academy.
The members will be provided with a unique experience in the areas of financial analysis, research, and investments. By building up their soft and hard skills, the investment fund is the ideal first step into the world of finance and investment banking. Furthermore, they can expand their network with industry professionals, ranging from BlackRock to the Malaysian pension fund.
At the moment, we have a team of 12 analysts from 8 different countries and are eager to study the markets and apply our knowledge.
Student Consulting The Jacobs University Student Consulting (JUSC) is a management consulting project at Jacobs University Bremen. The project's objective is to provide a venue for students who are interested in expanding their knowledge and practical skills in consulting and research. Also, the student consulting provides networking possibilities within the consulting field for its members. JUSC has an internationally diverse team with more than 15 members from 10 different countries, speaking various languages.
In their pro-bono cases, in which the members advise real clients, students can gain hands-on experience in the consulting field and foster their project management and teamwork skills. Besides their project work, the members of the student consulting improve their skills in a series of workshops on topics such as Excel, R, and Communication Skills. Soon they will also start case study interviews to prepare their members for joining consultancies.
Insight Weeks and Events
Insight Weeks and Events (IWE) is a project within the IB&CM at Jacobs University Bremen. The object is to organize internal and external events for the IB&CM society and provide the members with insights into possible career paths. Currently, the students involved in IWE are working on our insights week, which is a venue for our new members to learn more about the IB&CM and our work. The biggest event organized by the IB&CM so far was the Annual Conference in February. With more than 100 participants and over 15 alumni, students could gain exciting insights into consulting, finance, and business.
HR and PR
In Human Resources and Public Relations, our members can gain helpful information of the society’s structure and the mechanisms behind it. In small teams, they can contribute with their ideas and take over many responsibilities. Furthermore, they are involved in the improvement of internal processes and can foster their communication skills.
Our Team of Human Resources is currently creating a database with courses and books for our members to foster their knowledge and improve their skills on topics such as financial analysis of modeling. Moreover, they are engaged in the current recruitment campaign, which has already been standardized over the last couple of months.
The Public Relations Team is engaged in the recruitment of new members as well. By creating posters and visuals and introducing the society in the first-year classes they make the society visible to new and old students.
Do you want to join IB&CM? Then click on the link to our website and submit all the necessary information. Afterwards, make sure to attend our insights week, starting September 13. You will also receive a mail regarding our insights week in the upcoming days. Afterwards, you will be invited to an interview by one of our project leaders, so that we can get to know you a bit better. We are looking forward to seeing you at our insights week!
If you would like to know more about IB&CM, feel free to send a mail to ‘t. hasloop@jacobs-university.de'.
BY Torben Hasloop (germany) | CLASS OF 2022