Welcome, and Welcome back!
As we roll into the New Year, we welcome back our 3rd year students who had gone abroad for their fifth semester, students who traveled for the winter break, as well as our lovely staff back to campus. Likewise, we gradually welcome deferred students from the Fall Semester of 2019 as we enjoy the warmth of our growing family.
This year, we had a total of 20 deferred students, whose arrival is rather exciting. From the nations of Nepal, Pakistan, Egypt, United States, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Bangladesh, Ecuador and Turkmenistan, these students have touched down in Bremen, and some even Germany, for the very first time. First and foremost in their arrival process is the cultural immersion they experience on their rather short trip from the airport to our campus. Upon their arrival, they are greeted and assisted by our group of Student Advisors who help them quickly settle into their dormitories and the students are then given a brief tour of our beautiful campus as well as a rundown of the upcoming events in the Spring Orientation Week. This semester’s Orientation, although not as busy as the one in the beginning of the Fall Semester, gives our deferred students a chance to get to know about the inside and outs of the Jacobian lifestyle both in academics and regular campus life, or as a Bremen resident. Those who arrived in the second week of January coincided with the Intersession period, where students are given the opportunity of taking intensive five-day courses they otherwise wouldn't want to or be able to take throughout the course of the entire semester. While second and third year students get to take these courses and lab sessions, the freshies take intensive German courses. This is therefore the perfect opportunity to catch up or quickly initiate their German skills.

After they are given time to settle, finally, in the last week of January, Orientation Week occurs. During this period, more info-sessions, workshops, intercultural training and social nights occur. At this point we hope that the students have made at least a few acquaintances, and have gained at least a few experiences that they are able to share and inquire on, which helps trainers facilitate their integration. In the info-sessions, they are informed on academic expectations, immigration procedures such as the acquirement of a Residence Permit, as well as safety and security rules, expectations and procedures altogether. The workshops they attend allow for them to meet and interact with other new students, engage in team-building or socializing activities, as well as intercultural training, where apart from being introduced to such an international community and what it’s like to be in one 24/7, they are free to ask trainers for guidance or express any concerns or questions they may have. The most exciting part however, is their residential college initiation. During the College Social Night, everyone is invited to a ‘Welcome Back’ cheer-up and each new member of each college has their initiation, which is different in every college. For example, as a fresh Mercatorian, you are sworn in by one of the college officers and are given a mystery elixir to prove your loyalty to your college and everyone else recites the college chant. Alé Alé Alé! Sounds like fun to me!

Amish Kushwaha (Nepal) and Priontu Chowdhury (Bangladesh) | Class of 2022
Finally, at the end of the week, deferred students are halfway done with a smooth integration into their new life at their home away from home. All that’s left is a smooth transition into their classes and course schedules, which as a family we wish them all the best with and hope they will be happy on this fresh and eventful journey in which they have all the support needed. So far, one of our freshmen, Priontu Chowdhury from Bangladesh, who is about to start his studies towards a BSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering and arrived on the 27th of January says: “These past few days at Jacobs have been an explosion of surreal experiences. The campus is beautiful enough to leave me in a trance, and I’m meeting new people and making new friends everyday with folks from all over the world! It’s a dream come true so far!”
With that said, welcome back to all Jacobs students and staff! On behalf of the University, we’d like to wish you an eventful and great year ahead of you, and a fruitful Spring Semester!